
Tatiana Rotaru

by Andreea Rotaru from Floreşti in Moldova

Many people claim that a hero is that person who saved the world from something dangerous. But for the others, a "hero" has another explanation.

For me, a hero means a person who can give you more strength, encourages you when you need it and is by your side no matter what. When it comes to a hero in my mind, I see immediately my mother, Tatiana Rotaru. She is my hero not only for one reason. She is the strongest person that I know. Also, she is my best friend and throughout my life she has been with me.

There were so many times when I needed my mother's help and her advice. But, in 2018, I had a serious problem. On the 31st of May I fell from a building and broke my hand so hard. So, she felt there was something wrong with me but she didn't understand what had happened. My friends said that she called me in that minute when I fell. In five minutes I was at the hospital and my mom with my dad came there so fast. The next day I was transferred to another hospital. She slept near my bed on a chair. It was so difficult but I didn't understand anything at that moment. The first time, I spent in the hospital three weeks and I had two surgeries. She took care of me for a long time. Next time when I stayed in the hospital I also had a surgery, and then she heard so many terrible things that destroyed her, but she never showed her worry. She didn't want me to be nervous, more than that, during that time I was such a bad child. After a few months I had borne another surgery, and she was near me again. My dad also was there for me. All this time I saw only my mother's tears, and I never wanted to make her feel so once again. This destroyed me even harder and I promised that my duty from now is to not make this happen again. Every time when I woke up from a surgery, she held my hand and that gave me more courage. She has seen a lot of my tears, and even if I wanted to help her, I couldn't. She suffered so much, but she was not beaten down. As a mother she always feels when I'm broken. Even if I haven't treated my hand until now, I try to smile in front of her because I don't want to see her suffer, but she understands that is difficult for me. I'm so thankful to her that she was by my side all this time.

132620Tatiana RotaruPersonal Photo    Personally speaking, this is called a real hero. My mother is like a guardian angel for me. I love my mom with all of my heart. 

Page created on 4/18/2019 3:33:26 PM

Last edited 4/19/2019 3:06:36 AM

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