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The Complete Poems of Robert Frost

By Robert Frost, Edward C. Lathem (Editor)

Publisher: Owl Books, 2002
ISBN: 0805069860
MY HERO recommends this book to readers of all age groups.
From the Publisher
A feast for lovers of American literature-the work of our greatest poet, redesigned and relaunched for a new generation of readers

No poet is more emblematically American than Robert Frost. From "The Road Not Taken" to "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," he refined and even defined our sense of what poetry is and what it can do. T. S. Eliot judged him "the most eminent, the most distinguished Anglo-American poet now living," and he is the only writer in history to have been awarded four Pulitzer Prizes.

Henry Holt is proud to announce the republication of four editions of Frost's most beloved work for a new generation of poets and readers.

The only comprehensive volume of Frost's verse available, comprising all eleven volumes of his poems, this collection has been the standard Frost compendium since its first publication in 1969.

User Reviews:
Deepa Shetty | 5/5/2012 10:01 PM
Once I was read Robert Frost's "stopping by woods on a snowy evening".It is a short and sweet poem.I like this poem very much.
jayjay | 3/2/2011 1:36 AM
i love your poems and im doing my ELA project on you, you sooooooo rock!
oceanna | 12/28/2010 11:26 AM
I 1st read his poem when I was in 5th grade and I loved the poem and cuz of him he got me in to reading poems...
K.SREEDEVI | 3/8/2010 4:13 PM
I his poems so much. He is great poet.
leeeaah:) | 9/19/2008 1:06 AM
his poems are sooo understandable to me... i love nature and stuff... i like "stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" very much... i'm doing a Bio on him for english lit 30s right now and its pretty sweeet!
bluesky | 5/20/2008 9:05 AM
love his poems
kentreal | 5/7/2008 1:10 AM
i like some of your poems u r a great poet
Lina Rosario | 3/27/2008 10:19 AM
I think your a great poet, and your poems ROCK!!! =]
Im doing my english project on you and its coming along pretty good.
liese k | 3/3/2008 2:49 AM
people robert frost is totally my fav poet ever. i have to do this proj on him in hon eng and im loving it. i love frost's poems. I ♥ them!!!
Charlie Bivona | 2/11/2008 2:38 AM
I love Robert Frost
He Rocks my Socks
He is my hero
Mollymoo Iverson | 1/23/2008 10:06 AM
i think that the poem 'Stopping by woods on a snowy evening' is a very cool poem! my class right now is learning about him !!!
james perez | 12/13/2007 2:41 AM
i love his work he is the greatest
brianna perez | 12/13/2007 2:35 AM
he is a very very good poet i love his work
jazmine bower | 12/3/2007 2:10 AM
i think hes a good poet
jake wilson | 11/26/2007 3:12 AM
I'm doing a 5 page essay on him he is awsome!!!!!!
Bekuh Frost | 10/24/2007 12:33 AM
He's my ancestor! =] my great great grandfather's cousin
hanna. m | 10/18/2007 11:32 PM
i like your poems
yoyo | 5/10/2007 7:34 AM
i think robert frost is a very fascinating person. i really liked his poem "the road not taken". i can describe it in one word: awesome
kiki | 5/10/2007 7:30 AM
i am learning about robert frost in class right now it is very interesting. gotta go im looking for a biography on robert frost

Have you read the MY HERO essay about Robert Frost and checked the links at the end of the essay?  This brief biography would be a good place to start.
-- The MY HERO Library Staff

shelly | 5/1/2006 10:43 AM

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