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The Secrets of the Bulletproof Spirit: How to Bounce Back from Lifes Hardest Hits

By Azim Khamisa

Publisher: Ballantine Books
ISBN: 978-0345506030
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
Khamisa, an award-winning peace and forgiveness advocate, and Quinn, a life and spiritual coach, explore spiritual resiliency—the ability to recover from disappointment and tragedy and one of the strongest predictors of happiness. The authors assert that when individuals embrace spiritually affirming thoughts, they make more empowering choices, including maintaining good spiritual hygiene, connecting with their callings, taking care of their bodies, and creating a resilience-rich environment. Through their own personal stories and those of others, the authors reveal how spiritually bulletproof people think, providing exercises to help the reader learn and practice mental habits that support spiritual resiliency. Each chapter ends with a Bounce Back Boot Camp section that introduces techniques such as making time and space to mourn fully and deeply and to push into pain rather than be numb to true feelings. Thorough and enlightening, this book will help readers face life's challenges with a full arsenal of tools. From Publishers Weekly
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