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The World As I See It

By Albert Einstein

Publisher: Citadel Press/Kensington Publishing Corp.
ISBN: 080650711X
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
From the Publisher
The Einstein revealed in these writings is witty, keenly perceptive, and deeply concerned for humanity. Einstein believed in the possibility of a peaceful world and in the high mission of science to serve human well-being. As we near the end of a century in which science has come to seem more and more remote from human values, Einstein's perspective is indispensable.
User Reviews:
Dexter | 11/10/2011 12:20 AM
Among the many wants of man is knowledge. Albert Einstein tried to satisfy this want. He was not content with just the inspiration he had but perspired to make his dreams reality. That is Genius! Well, he was misunderstood but that is perculiar to geniuses... He is my science role model.
Shardae | 3/24/2010 2:38 AM
I love Him But Think He isn't A Hero sorry but this is the truth so ok
brook hess | 12/5/2008 12:27 AM
he rocks
philip | 1/16/2008 5:55 AM
albert einstein is my hero!!!!
meriah | 1/16/2008 5:53 AM
i love sciences this book is the best book
amiin | 9/2/2007 3:20 AM
   some are saying albert einstein was not hero
i believe that ones know nothing about being hero albert was the greatest scientis of all the time forget about hero hero is nothing according to thinker einstein was extraordinary thinker believe or not
Ali Haider | 4/19/2007 8:09 PM
I am a student of class 10th i have study in my class about this prominent scientist i found it genius.But one thing i cannot understand that he was a wise man but he didn,t respect his parents why?his equation  E=mc2 is famous all over the world mean to say without his wisesty he didn,t respect his parents i don,t like it one thing about him i think this is wrong news that he was dis obedient
trisha magdalena | 2/6/2007 5:00 PM
great thinker ei!
its the fact that he showed interest on what he wanted.
Lolly Lu | 1/3/2007 3:14 AM
I think Albert Einstein is a great scientist! But, he isnt a great heroe!  
Sabrina | 6/3/2005 2:48 AM
Para mi Albert fue un hombre de lo mejor, aunque sea menor de edad, lo admiro mucho, cada vez que veo algo o que hablen de él, me emociono muchísimo. Albert, te aprecio, eres mi heroe!!!!!!!!!!!
Hillary | 12/8/2004 8:13 AM
Albert Einstein is a role model for all us gifted students out there. He was a great thinker, and an amazing mathematician. I encourage all students to follow his example (not meaning hating school).
Krissy Parrish | 7/22/2004 2:53 PM
There is something beautiful in the way that Albert Einstein thought. I think he has given us a lot of head starts in science and math today. He's awesome.

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