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Tommy Douglas (https://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4GGIE_enCA501CA519&q=tommy+douglas&ion=1&biw=1280&bi) |
Tommy Douglas (The Father of Medicare) was born in Falkirk, Scotland on October, 20th, 1904. He died on February 24th, 1986 in Ottawa, Ontario at age 81. Tommy attended elementary school in Winnipeg and dropped out of high school at age 13. Tommy Douglas's family life wasn't easy, with all the immigration he did back and forth from Canada to Scotland with his family, with two younger sisters (one of which grew to be older than 100 years of age). His parents were Thomas, who was an iron moulder, former soldier and a socialist, and Anna Douglas, who was of Highland origins. Douglas later attended college to finish his school and eventually graduated from Brandon College in 1930 at the age of 19. He also went to McMasters University and received his master's in sociology in 1933. Tommy was very active in extracurricular activities, such as writing for the school newspaper, and he was in student government, winning his election for student body in his final year.
Tommy Douglas was a hero because he was the man who created the idea for free health care for all Canadians. Tommy Douglas is an interesting person to know about because if he didn't do what he did for Canadians, we would have to pay in advance every time we go to the doctor if we got sick or hurt. He is a hero for saving many lives from possible death if they had not had enough money to get treated better. Tommy Douglas grew up in Falkirk, Scotland until 1910, when his family immigrated to Winnipeg in Canada. At this time, Tommy had injured his right knee. A disease called osteomyelitis grew into the leg; even though in Scotland a series of operations had been performed to cure his leg, it didn't heal. Not until he moved to Canada did one orthopedic surgeon offer to work on his leg for free if they let medical students observe him work. His leg was saved; this convinced Douglas that health care should be free for all and he stated, "I felt that no boy should have to depend either for his leg or his life upon the ability of his parents to raise enough money to bring a first-class surgeon to his bedside." If this didn't happen, then Tommy wouldn't have made free health care for all of Canada.
Douglas's first major achievement was full medical, dental and drug coverage to those needing assistance; he achieved this by working hard and standing by what he needed to do to get what he wanted. The doctor that performed medical services on his leg most likely influenced him to continue with the creation of free Medicare and the things leading up to it. Tommy Douglas had many goals that he did achieve. He set out to pave roads and create the 8-hour work day; he achieved both! But his best accomplishment was creating the universal health care system for all Canadians. He accomplished these by dedicating time to save others.
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Tommy Douglas, 1971 (https://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4G ()) |
Tommy married Irma Dempsey when he was younger and had one child named Shirley Douglas and adopted another named Joan. He became Premiere for Saskatchewan in 1942. To be noticed by the public, he had to do lots of public speaking and elections to be able to be part of the government to make all of his wants (and other's needs) met. Douglas made the most of his life! He established equality of education for all, was first to provide universal health care for hospitals, established the first Arts Board in Canada, introduced government insurance, the first bill of rights in Canada, the right to vote at the age of 18, and plenty more to help his world.
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Quote of Tommy Douglas (https://kaylehatt.ca/119/ ()) |
This person changed the world by saving the lives of the less wealthy who couldn't afford to pay for the treatment they needed so very badly. If Tommy hadn't done what he had for the world, many poor people would have been killed for not having enough money for the help they needed to pay the hospitals. This person should be remembered by all Canadians because he was a little man that made a big change in the world, and that proves than anyone can do the same thing if they try hard enough. This person has influenced me to always try my hardest even if it takes a long time; good things come out of everything eventually. He was a hero to all Canadians and saved many. To save lives, to change life in Canada for all, would be a great accomplishment. Tommy Douglas is my hero.
Page created on 1/24/2013 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 4/5/2019 8:45:32 PM
Also a big thanks to these websites for further information.