The MY HERO Project | Library

Wallenberg: Missing Hero

By Kati Marton

Publisher: Arcade Publishing, January 1995
ISBN: 1559702761
MY HERO recommends this book to young adult readers.

A fearless young Swede whose efforts saved countless Hungarian Jews from certain death at the hands of Adolf Eichmann, Raoul Wallenberg was one of the true heroes to emerge during the Nazi occupation of Europe.

Against staggering odds and in constant risk of his life, Wallenberg succeeded in rescuing more than a hundred thousand Jews by using special passports and protective employment status. He would race after lines of people being herded toward the deportation trains and issue his important-looking documents on the spot, also dispensing food, warm clothes, medicine, and hope. Wallenberg eventually fell captive to the advancing Russians and disappeared into the Soviet prison system. The mystery of his fate remains to be unraveled.

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