
William J. Meyers

by Jeanne

( )

You have made more people smile and laugh
than anyone else i know,
except maybe Red Buttons.
Your audience?
Any man, woman or child lucky enough to know you.

William J. you are loved by your children,
by grandchildren and especially by your Dorothy
Your time together has been filled
with joy and passion, friendship,
laughter and most of all love.

One of the most important lessons
you have taught us all
is the power of a smile
greater than any material object.
However, you have also taught us
that a stop at the thrift shop
is usually worth the time and effort,
You are a modern day Santa Claus.
Shopping, shopping, NEVER! EVER!
looking for yourself.
Purses, glasses, watches, odds and ends,
telescopes, telephones - you name it.
The daily negotiations of LIFE.
With great humor and compassion
you aquire and disperse
knowledge, food and an assortment of paraphanilia
to all you know and love.

Even strangers you encounter
soon know and admire WILLIAM J.MEYERS.
"A man with great humor" and "a zest for life."

in time
all good things have their moment...

You have provided the most remarkable moments
for all of us...time and again...

Rome, Alaska, Paris, Hong Kong, Laguna Beach,
New Orleans, Miami Beach, Puerto Rico, Hawaii...

So many magical times in Paw Paw
Fishing on the pier, rowing the boat
to the quiet little lake
watching the family of heron
glide across the horizon
the smells of the farms
maple lake --just past the waterfall--
La Cantina...over a half century of:
pizza, salad, pasta, ribs, ministrone,
and chianti with an extra glace of ice.

The history of family, friends and relatives
How many lives have you touched?
With your big smile and generous spirit
you have lit the path
and will stay in our hearts forever.

Page created on 6/12/2013 1:36:38 PM

Last edited 1/4/2017 8:47:18 PM

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Author Info

GRANPA BILL when I look at my children--- and I see young men I am proud of---I think about those who helped to teach them. I think about what a great example you have made for them. You have shown them the joy of being a FATHER. The joy of caring for your family in all ways possible. I want to THANK YOU!

In the day to day journey of raising two young boys I came to rely on your guidance a lot. The thing is you rarely told me what to do, you would listen and then tell me to let go of the things I could not change but to each day accomplish those things that I could.

You and mom have taught all of us the importance of taking time to enjoy LIFE, with music, art, laughter and friends.