Writing and Publishing Stories on MY HERO: High School

Storytelling is as old as mankind.  It's in us all.


The five-paragraph essay, as well as more developed essays, use similar writing techniques which can be reviewed and taught from this wikihow page. We always want to know the 5 W's: where/when, who, what, why. "How" is also an important element.

The purpose of the MY HERO essay is to communicate information about your hero in a descriptive and persuasive way, so that your audience, which includes people of all ages from around the world, understand your point of view and why you feel as you do about your hero.  This will be an expository essay, with evidence supporting your ideas. Feel free to include the emotional appeal of a descriptive essay.

Another option is to write a narrative essay, where you tell a personal story involving your hero. Or a persuasive essay, convincing the reader why the subject of your essay is a hero. 

Whatever format you choose, do your research, planning, and multiple drafts to make your hero story memorable.


Personalization: Have a strong point of view about the person you choose for a hero. Have any background information or information about the person's accomplishments support your ideas about the person as a hero. Relate what you share about your hero to how their heroism affects you.

Develop your ideas with details, descriptions, and examples.

Good writing includes proof reading to correct writing errors and to strengthen your ideas. 

Cite all sources at the end of your essay.

Only use images that are original, that have a Creative Commons license or have permission.

Ready to publish? Use our simple CREATE PROGRAM, including a class code, given by your teacher so your work can be gathered on a class page for publication.


Five Different Kinds of "Profiles"

by teacher  Susan Ager and the Detroit Free Press

Here's advice about interviewing and writing about a person:
A profile gives a clear portrayal of what a person is like. It can be approached with different styles. What kind of profile should I try to do?
1. Vignette: A moment in time
2. A day in the life
3. Fifteen minutes of fame: highlighting major accomplishments
4. Full-life profile: giving an overview of a hero's life
5. Psychological profile: looking into the heart and soul of a hero

As you set out to write, ask yourself:
-Do readers understand why they should care about my subject?
-What's the payoff for readers? Can I provide insight and/or inside details about my subject?


Emma Gonzalez
Credit: The Office of Congressman Ted Deutch [Public domain]
Williams at the Happy Feet premiere
Credit: Eva Rinaldi [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)]

A Philosophy of Teaching Writing

By Susanne Nobles, Fredericksburg Academy

Activities and Procedures:

My 9th grade students undertake their study of heroes in the third quarter of a year of writing. They are confident about publishing their writing because we have talked about effective style, and worked on mastering mechanics through many different writing activities. I am always amazed at the developed and detailed writing freshmen can create, so I am probably even more confident than they are about showing what they can do to the international audience on MY HERO.

The specific types of writing my students do are not as important as the path we take with each assignment....


Organizer created on 6/29/2020 10:43:55 AM by Jerrilyn Jacobs

Last edited 9/21/2023 4:49:08 PM by Laura Nietzer