2020 IFF 1st Place High School Documentary

Directed by: Jeanne Meyers, Wendy Milette, Vanessa Diaz, Kenia Lares, Fryda Luna, Aleshia Osborn, Vivian Pham, Dillan Tran | Production Company: The MY HERO Project | Documentary | 2020 | USA | 3:59



The 2020 MY HERO International Film Festival is proud to award 1st Place High School Documentary to Remember Us: An Historic Chapter at Anaheim High School by Vanessa Diaz, Kenia Lares, Fryda Luna, Aleshia Osborn, Vivian Pham, and Dillan Tran. 

Remember Us documents the internment of Japanese American students at Anaheim High School forced to relocate to concentration camps. This powerful, personal, and amazing story focuses on Ruth Ikeda, mother of AUHSD Superintendent Michael B. Matsuda and AUHSD Professional Learning Coordinator, Jackie Counts.

Ruth Ikeda is a (2020) recipient of the MY HERO Special Hero Award.