Using the MY HERO Book in the Classroom

by Sara Armstrong, Ph.D., The MY HERO Project
Written By
Sara Armstrong, Ph.D., The MY HERO Project

Grade Level
K-4, 5-8, 9-12+

Arts - Media, Arts - Visual, English/Language Arts


The MY HERO Project is an online collection of stories, artwork, and short films featuring heroes through time and around the world. Students share their stories with the global community through the Web site.

The MY HERO Project has recently published a book called MY HERO: Extraordinary People on the Heroes Who Inspire Them, in which some 40 men and women whom most of us would consider heroes in some fashion write about their heroes. This lesson plan provides ways to use the book and its stories in the classroom.

To use this lesson plan, we will assume that you have already spent time with your students working on the MY HERO Lesson Plan: Unit 1: What is a hero? It is imperative that you and your students have a discussion about the characteristics of heroes, and how they differ from celebrities, before engaging in this lesson.


Students will:

1. Increase their understanding of the concept of heroes and heroism.
2. Learn about particular heroes and their heroes.
3. Categorize hero types.
4. Build hero vocabulary.
5. Identify their own living heroes.
6. Participate in writing activities.
7. Contribute a story, artwork, or short film to the MY HERO Web site.
