ChangeChitra Documentary Series Sizzle

Directed by: ChangeChitra | Production Company: Video Volunteers | Short | 2019 | INDIA



ChangeChitra is supported by the US Embassy New Delhi, and the training was conducted by award-winning filmmakers from India and the US. The programme was implemented by Video Volunteers, an international media and human rights organization. Video Volunteers promotes community media to enable citizens to take action on critical issues, and has trained hundreds of students, community members and activists in video-making over the years. Its IndiaUnheard Community Correspondents Network, which covers 180 mostly rural districts in India, is one of the world’s largest alternative media platforms.VV’s partner for the implementation of ChangeChitra is the MY HERO Project of California, who provided expertise on training design and on-the-ground support in conducting the trainings. 

For More Information

Video Volunteers | Change Chitra Workshop