Directed by: Farhad Ayatollahi (Iran), James Gleason (USA) |
Produced by: Evelyn Seubert and Hania Asgari |
Starring: Atefeh Jalili, Farhad Ayatollahi Additional Crew: John Crossley, Niloo Abdifar, Arshia Bebe; Composer: Shannon James |
2020 |
FIlmed in Iran; Post Production in USA
There are two Defenders in this movie: Farhad Ayatollahi is an activist for women's rights. Atefeh Jalili was head of the COVID ward at the hospital in Yazd, Iran at the beginning of the pandemic. She then was attacked by the virus and ended up as a patient herself. Farhad chronicled her struggle to stay alive. Both are heroes - and examples of courage and selflessness for us all.
For More Information
SANATIONE: A Time For Healing