The MY HERO Film Festival features work from prominent filmmakers and media education partners from across the globe. We appreciate the talent, energy and excellent work from these friends of the MY HERO Film Festival!

Film FestivAL HEADER
Credit: MYHERO

Behind the scenes with filmmaker Will Parrinello among the Cofán

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer
In May 2022, two young indigenous Cofán activists from Ecuador were awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize. Will Parrinello went to Ecuador to film them.

Gabriel Diamond

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer
Gabriel Diamond, filmmaker and his inspiration.

Ryan Coogler

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel
Ryan Coogler is a MY HERO IFF Alumni and director of Black Panther, Creed and Fruitvale Station.

Slater Jewell-Kemker

By: Geeta
filmmaker, peacemaker, environmental activist.Slater Jewell-Kemker has grown up with The MY HERO Project, and has created several short films and stories about her heroes. She is now directing a feature film about young people working to protect the environment, An Incovenient Youth.

My Hero Awards Holly Carter 2021 Global Media Educator

By: Abigail Richardson
Holly Carter, founder and Executive Director of BYkids, has been awarded the Global Media Educator Award in 2021 by The MY HERO Project

Sandi Bachom

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel
Sandi Bachom is a 75-year-old videographer and MY HERO Film Festival winner who lives in New York City.

Frances Moore Lappé (Lappe)

By: Rosemary Pritzker
Hero Frances Moore Lappe is a passionate and pioneering thinker and activist who fights world hunger.

Award Winning Short Films by Lynne Cherry

By: Jeanne Meyers
Lynne Cherry and her Young Voices for the Planet Project has featured many wonderful heroes. Lynne Cherry is an author, artist and filmmaker. MY HERO is very grateful to her for sharing her inspiring short films. The heroes she honors are young people who are creating positive change in the world.

Cheikh Darou Seck Global Educator

By: Laura Nietzer
MY HERO honors Global Educator Cheikh Darou Seck, a principal from Dakar, Senegal. Since we met at an iEARN conference in Slovakia in 2004, Cheikh and his students have contributed stories, art and films to MY HERO and we are forever grateful to him for his leadership.

Cheri Gaulke Thanks MY HERO and the Eva Haller WTM Award

Cheri Gaulke
"Gloria's Call" by Cheri Gaulke is the 2018 MY HERO International Film Festival Winner of the Eva Haller Women Transforming Media Award.

MY HERO Film Festival Judge: Brenda Goodman

By: Dorothy Lie
Brenda Goodman, a MY HERO Film Festival judge, is a professor at the USC School of Cinematic Arts in Los Angeles.

Isaac Seigel-Boettner and Jacob Seigel Brielle Win Dan Eldon Award

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

LIZ MERMIN Director for Reuters “Post-War Machismo: Be A Man” Wins Kovic Peace Prize At The My Hero Film Festival

MY HERO International Film Festival Finalists from The STEAM Academy @ La Presa

By: Abigail Richardson

FILMS Featuring Filmmakers, Heroes and Media Educators

2021 IFF Special Hero Climate Activist Award | Slater Jewell-Kemker and Wendy Jewell

Slater Jewell-Kemker
Slater Jewell-Kemker and Wendy Jewell accept the Special Hero: Climate Activist Award at the 2021 MY HERO International Film Festival.

Looking After Spirit Director and Featured Hero Accept Eva Haller WTM Award

Produced by:Balangara Films
Director Mark Pearce and community activist Dr. Anne Poelina accept the Eva Haller Women Transforming Media Award for the short Looking After Spirit. Remarks by MY HERO director Jeanne Meyers, sponsor Eva Haller, MY HERO Film Festival director Wendy Milette.

Mohamed Sidibay: Teaching Peace

Produced by:The MY HERO Project
Mohamed Sidibay is a survivor of a horrific civil war in Sierra Leone, where he was forced to fight as a child soldier. Now he advocates for better access to education worldwide.

Tribute to Skip Blumberg

Produced by:Skip Blumberg
A tribute to Skip Blumberg and his heroic efforts to save City Hall Park.

Teen Press - Featuring John Seigel Boettner

Produced by:Produced by: Pamela Tanner-Boll / Directed by: T.C. Johnstone
Teen Press is a short documentary about one semester of the Santa Barbara Middle School Teen Press program.

Is the Taliban's return the end of music in Afghanistan?

Cormac Walter O'Brien
"As the Taliban take control, members of 'Zohra', Afghanistan's first all-female orchestra, wonder what's next for their music and rights as women.

MY HERO Report II - Tommy

Produced by:Logan Cascia - Music by Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Interview with Tommy Carroll and Logan Cascia, winners of 1st place Music Video in the MH Film Fest.

In Progress, a Non-Profit Arts' Organization, Wins at 2021 Film Festival

By: Abigail Richardson

2020 Media Arts Educator Award

The MY HERO Project honors Actuality Abroad (Aubrie and Robin Canfield) at the 2020 MY HERO International Film Festival.

Jerrilyn Jacobs - Media Arts Educator Award

Produced by:Evan Morton
Jerrilyn Jacobs has been inspiring students to create meaningful media for over a decade. MY HERO salutes her dedication as a teacher and director of the Taft Media Program.


Kayla Briët

By: Xenia Shin
What happens when a story is forgotten? Our 2014 Emerging Filmmaker Award recipient Kayla Briët on her documentary short "Smoke that Travels"

Trey Carlisle

By: Jeanne Meyers
Celebrating the work of this creative activist.

Kitty Richardson

By: Abigail Richardson
Emerging Artist 2021 Joint Winner of Overcoming Obstacles - Autism, 2021 Winner Unsung Hero Song Contest, Student, 2020, 2021

Angela Kim: MY HERO's Emerging Artist of the Year

By: Sebastian Ruiz
Angela Kim is a filmmaker who won MY HERO's Emerging Artist of the Year in 2020 for her film "Marcel Duchamp: The Art of Life."

Gabrielle Gorman Named MY HERO’S 2015 Student Honoree

By: The MY HERO Project

Gabrielle Gorman is a writer, director, and producer. She was MY HERO's 2015 student honoree.

Kim Phuc - excerpt from The Sunrise Storyteller

Kasha Slavner
Young filmmaker Kasha Slavner interviews Unesco Goodwill Ambassador Phan Thi Kim Phuc, who survived a napalm bomb when she was a 9-year-old during the Vietnam War.


Credit: BAYCAT
The Righteous Conversations Project
Batchelor Middle School
Credit: myhero
video volunteers
Credit: vv
The Animation School
Credit: TAS

Organizer created on 7/27/2022 2:53:47 PM by Wendy Milette

Last edited 2/7/2024 1:32:15 PM by Abigail Richardson