
Talk It Up TV - Hannah’s Dream

Produced by: Dir. Anny Havland | Documentary | 2016 | USA | 12:06



Hannah only has 2 very small dreams, to have cheekbones one day and to swim with a dolphin in Hawaii. Hannah is a sweet 8 year old from Idaho with Treacher Collins syndrome. She is missing her fifth chromosome, which involves an underdevelopment of the facial bones and muscle. She has no ears and is missing bones in her face. She’s had ten surgeries so far.It’s emotionally very hard on the family to be separated during these times. Her most recent surgery was on 8-4-15 and was her most intense surgery yet, to remove the tracheotomy pipe and make it so she can eat on her own. Hannah was in a Halo for several months during her recovery and on Nov. 20th it was finally removed. Will she look the same and will her loved ones recognize her? More importantly will she be able to eat on her own? Wait until you see how she reacts when we come in with some Talk It Up TV love, it's priceless! Talk It Up Foundation is a non-profit 501C3 that brings acts of kindness to those most in need when they least expect it.