Directed by: Seth Warren, Nicholas Franczyk, & Tyler Bradt | Produced by: Seth Warren, Nicholas Franczyk, & Tyler Bradt | Production company: New Rider Productions
Oil and Water
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Oil and Water

Directed by: Seth Warren, Nicholas Franczyk, & Tyler Bradt | Produced by: Seth Warren, Nicholas Franczyk, & Tyler Bradt | Production Company: New Rider Productions | Excerpt | 2007 | USA | 6:01



An excerpt from the feature film, Oil & Water, tells the story of two world-class kayakers, Seth and Tyler, who embark on the longest-ever petroleum-free road trip. After discovering the amount of petroleum they would be using on their trip they decided to fuel their car from Alaska to Argentina only using waste vegetable oil from fast-food restaurants. Once people started to hear about Seth and Tyler's journey, the two friends began giving demonstrations at schools and press conferences assisted by local governments to educate the public about the effects of petroleum.