From the Americans Who Tell the Truth portrait series
MY HERO Project seeks unique works of art by professional and student artists that celebrate the lives and courageous acts of heroes who work to promote change by positively affecting others and their communities. Completed artwork should reflect thoughtful ideas to show how the selected hero demonstrates heroic action and creates positive social change.
Enter the MY Hero Songwriting/Music Video Contest!
Oct. 1st Deadline!
Produced by: Miranda Andersen | Starring: Ruth Foster | Documentary | Canada | 4:47
4th grader Miranda Andersen made this film in honor of her hero, Ruth Foster. Ruth Foster is the co-founder of a local hatchery and is admired for her efforts to help the environment. Through her local hatchery, she helped a creek that lost all of its salmon get its salmon back by farming and caring for them as the creek began to have salmon eggs. Ruth Foster began helping the environment at a very young age and has continued ever since.