Directed by: Tiffany Shlain | Produced by: Global participants
A Declaration of Interdependence
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A Declaration of Interdependence

Directed by: Tiffany Shlain | Produced by: Global participants | Documentary | 2013 | USA | 4:18



Tiffany Shlain and her team invited the world to participate in a crowd sourced film - Rewriting the Declaration of Independence as A Declaration of Interdependence. Video, art, and translation submissions poured in from around the world, in over 50 languages from English to Swahili to ASL (American Sign Language). A Declaration of Interdependence quickly became an exhilarating montage of user-generated content, a global mash-up demonstrating the vast potential of creative collaboration in the 21st century. Tiffany Shlain is an award-winning Director and Founder of the Webby Awards.