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Go For The Goal - A Champion''s Guide To Winning in Soccer and Life

By Mia Hamm

Publisher: HarperCollins; (May 1999)
ISBN: 0060193425
MY HERO recommends this book to readers of all age groups.
From the Publisher
"When I was playing, they said soccer was a man's world and that women should remain on the sidelines. All I can say is I'm glad I never had to go up against Mia Hamm."
-- Pelé
For the more than seven million girls -- from knobby-kneed tykes to high school and college stars -- who are tearing across the of country chasing a soccer ball and dreams of glory, there is one name that eclipses all others, male or female: Mia Hamm. With her cheetahlike acceleration and lightning-bolt shot, Hamm has broken nearly every record in her sport, while galvanizing a whole generation of fans and players.

Go for the Goal is not only the inspiring story of how a tiny suburban sprite became a global terror with a ball (and the world) at her feet -- it's also a step-by-step or dribble-by-dribble guide for any kid with the all-American dream of making the team and becoming a champion.

Filled with personal anecdotes and fully illustrated with both action and instructional photographs, Go for the Goal shows readers exactly how to master the silky skills and techniques that have made Hamm and her teammates the finest women's soccer team in the world.

User Reviews:
ericaaaa. <3 | 4/19/2009 11:00 AM
you rock mia!! i love watching you play soccer! very entertaining!
LYDIA I <3 MIA HAMM | 4/15/2009 7:56 AM
jackieeeeeeee | 2/16/2009 6:58 AM
mia, i dont know what else to say rather than: THANKS FOR SHOWING THEM OUT THERE THAT SOCCER IS A WOMEN'S WORLD TOO!!
Danielle | 1/15/2009 8:22 AM
I am a huge fan of soccer. I play soccer with my best friends.
Mia's Number One Fan | 12/4/2008 7:07 AM
Mia, I love you and your passion for the game. Your drive for soccer is truly amazing, and I have looked up to you since I have had a ball at my feet. One day I hope to accomplish even just half of what you have done. I have always wanted to go to North Carolina and play on the women's national team. My coaches and my parents say that I could actually do it, and that is why i work hard every practice,every game, every day. I know that it is important to win every sprint and give it my all in practice and games. That is what you did and you accomplished your dreams. I hope to follow in your footsteps and go for my dreams. Thank You for inspiring me.
jillian | 11/9/2008 3:29 AM
i read the book i am just saying that it was
mostly about the team but IT WAS AWESOME OTHER WISE  I LOVED IT  
Ricky Rodriguez | 4/22/2008 12:42 AM
I like your book.
Dulce Maria | 4/15/2008 3:30 AM
inspirational, talented, strong and gives a girl hope. she has inspired me to go for it all and to always believe in myself. I have earned confidence and have much potential to belike her.
Delaney Oliver | 3/30/2008 11:29 AM
If you want to know who my hero is it is Mia Hamm.Itake after her i hope I can be as good as her in soccer.My wish is to be as good as Mia Hamm  in my years I have to be in soccer.
veronica | 1/18/2008 6:53 AM
mia hamm your the best soccer player ever alive you have been my role model sence i have started soccer i cant wait to achieve my goal
Karla | 5/31/2007 9:43 AM
Mia I love your book! I read it for my book report. It's a must read for any girl (or boy) that loves soccer. I been playing soccer since I was in 2 grade. I have a HUGE love for soccer.It is the best! Your #1 fan Karla!

P.S. YOU are the Best!
P.S. I wish someday I can meet you
cool girl | 4/19/2007 11:17 PM
now i just  saw her play she is the best I love soccer she is my role model in soccer and now i am going to achieve my goal
becky G | 4/12/2007 8:55 AM
you are the best soccer playing ever!! I wish i get almost as skilled at soccer and at other things like you. You are my hero and role model!!!
Katie | 2/23/2007 9:45 AM
I love the book. It inspires me to play even more soccer. You are my role model, Mia.Your #1 fan!
HANNAH | 1/11/2007 7:36 AM
you are the best soccer player in the world
ari | 12/21/2006 7:24 AM
u have inspired me so much and i am really sorry for u because ur bro died. u r my role moddle. i have always looked up to u. i am ur #1 fan and nobody can change that. i play soccer too. i have always wish to see u. i love u tons! i hope i can meet u sometime.      

                             Your #1 fan!
darcy | 10/6/2006 4:26 AM
you rock!!! no one is a better soccer player than you! you are so my #1 role model in life!
Brittany Vargas & Ashley Larson | 4/14/2006 1:17 AM
U inspired us to Go for the Win and the Goal even when the burning in our legs is unbearable..WE thank you!!
And Cherish You!!
Love You Tons!!
Ur Fans!
baleigh | 3/30/2006 1:26 AM
i loved the book you are my hero i love you!!!
Ottaviano | 1/19/2006 6:00 AM
Mia you are my absolute role model!! i look up to you!!! thank you for inspiring me
Paxton | 12/14/2005 11:46 PM
Mia is my inspiration! She is amazing, and I hope to become as awesome as her, not only in soccer.
Yesenia | 11/21/2005 11:44 PM
Mia Hamm is my hero not only for revolutionizing women's sports in general, but also for everything she's done with the Mia Hamm Foundation.

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