International Education Week Lesson Plan

Share the importance of International Education Week with your students. Bring classrooms to life with MY HERO's Multimedia Resources and Lesson Plan for Teachers. Includes discussion guide and learning outcomes.

Students learn about one or all of the following educators and those working towards education equality, then consider the discussion questions and activities. Students are invited to honor their favorite teacher on MY HERO. 

Students read the following two stories and learn about two educator heroes who are making a difference for girls in Afghanistan. 

Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, Hero and ‘Mother of Afghan Education’

By: Abigail Richardson

Pashtana Durrani

By: Deborah Neff

Pashtana Durrani is determined to continue providing educational opportunities for women and girls in Afghanistan, even if she has to resist the Taliban and go underground.

 Yasmine Sherif and Esther Wojcicki won the MY HERO Global Educator Award. The MY HERO Global Educator Award honors individuals who provide access to quality and compassionate learning environments for students around the world.  These leaders understand the power of connectivity and provide tools and a voice for young people to share their vision and exchange ideas and values. 

Yasmine Sherif Global Educator Award Winner

Kitty Richardson
Congratulations to Yasmine Sherif, the Director of Education Cannot Wait and the winner of the 2020 Global Educator Award.


Produced by:by Jeanne Meyers & Wendy Milette
Esther Wojcicki shares her vision for a Moonshot Movement in Education.

Students watch the film and read the story to learn about educator Erin Gruwell. Gruwell makes it her goal to teach students to put down their fists and guns and pick up a pen. She inspires students to accept differences between themselves and other people.  

Freedom Writers: Stories From an Undeclared War [Trailer]

Produced by:Freedom Writers Foundation
Inspired by their teacher, Erin Gruwell, and the writings of Anne Frank, the students discover a new way to express themselves.

Erin Gruwell

By: Annie Merkley

Erin Gruwell continues to inspire educators and students around the world with her compassion and wisdom.

Students read the story to learn about Cheikh Darou Seck, global educator and principal of a school in Senegal. Seck brings educational opportunities to students in his country.

Cheikh Darou Seck - Global Educator

Producer: MY HERO

Cheikh Darou Seck is the 2009 winner of the MY HERO Global Educator Award.


By: Antonio Mendoza

MY HERO ambassador, educator, principal from Dakar, Senegal

Discussion Questions and Activities

1. Erin Gruwell inspired her students by focusing her English classes on storytelling, compassion, and tolerance, which made a positive difference in their lives. Which teacher has made a positive impact on your life? Share his or her story with MY HERO. 

2. Cheikh Darou Seck is an educator in Senegal. Research education opportunities for students globally. What surprised you? Who is working to improve educational opportunities globally? Share his or her story with MY HERO.

3. Sakena Yacoobi and Pashtana Durrani Afghani demonstrate courage as they work providing educational opportunities for girls in Afghanistan. Who are others working to provide educational opportunities in Afghanistan and other countries around the world? Share his or her story with MY HERO. 

Learn about additional global educators by reading the stories and watching the film below.

* Watch the film about Charles Antipem from Ghana, who invented a small science set that helps African children engage in scientific experiments.

* Read the story Techo and Techo para Aprender about an organization started in Chile to assist with housing for the poor. The organization is now in 19 countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, helping to bring educational opportunities to each country's impoverished children.

* Read the story about Alexandra's grandfather Felix Elizalde, who advocated for the importance of education. (This story is available in text and audio so students can listen as they read along. Great for ESL/EFF students.)

Charles Ofori Antipem

Cheikh Darou Seck

Chales Antipem invents a science set to help African students engage in scientific experiments.

Techo and Techo para Aprender

By: Annie Merkley

Techo and Techo para Aprender are nonprofits in Chile that help empower impoverished communities through leadership, housing and education.

The story below is available in text and audio, allowing students to listen as they read along. Great for ESL/EFF Students.

Felix Elizalde

By: Alexandra from Newark

Alexandra writes about her grandfather, Felix Elizalde, who worked alongside Cesar Chavez by advocating for the importance of education.

Discussion Questions and Activities

1. Charles Antipem from Ghana invented a science set to help African children engage in scientific experiments. What other inventions have opened up opportunities for students to learn? Do some research and share the story with MY HERO. 

2. Techo & Techo is now in 19 countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, bringing educational opportunities to impoverished children. What other organizations work to bring educational opportunities to children who may not otherwise receive an education? Share the story with MY HERO.   

3. Felix Elizalde, Alexandra's grandfather, believed in the importance of education and the accessibility of higher education for Latino students. Is there someone in your family who works in education? Interview your family member and share the story with MY HERO.

Story for Younger Readers - by a Younger Reader

Bill Belsey

By: Jesse from Calgary

Bill Belsey teaches his students and others how to stand up to bullying.

Discussion Questions and Activities

1. Jesse's hero is her teacher Bill Belsey. Do you have a teacher you admire? Share his or her story with MY HERO. 

2. One of the reasons Jesse admires her teacher Bill Belsey is because he is committed to ending bullying. How does your school work to end bullying? What can you do? Get involved and share the story with MY HERO.  

Learning Outcome

Students will recognize that the opportunity to receive an education is not available to all children. Students will identify people in their schools, community, and family, as well as organizations, who work to improve access to education. 

MY HERO International Festival Educator Award Winners

Dr. Mandeep Rai – MY HERO's 2022 Global Educator

By: Abigail Richardson
Dr. Rai, author of The Values Compass wins MY HERO 2022 Global Educator Award.

Samar Minallah Khan

By: Abigail Richardson
Samar is a filmmaker, anthropologist and activist. In the media, she has been referred to as ‘The Savior of Souls,’ one of the ‘Women who rock the world,’ ‘The Crusader with the Camera’ and the ‘Women that changed Pakistan.’

My Hero Awards Holly Carter 2021 Global Media Educator

By: Abigail Richardson
Holly Carter, founder and Executive Director of BYkids, has been awarded the Global Media Educator Award in 2021 by The MY HERO Project

2023 Global Educator - Martin Smatana

By: Union Square & Co
Martin shares about creating his book A YEAR OF GOOD NEWS!

Pakistani Teacher Humaira Asif Awarded MY HERO Outstanding Educator Award

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer
Pakistani Teacher Humaira Asif Awarded MY HERO Outstanding Educator Award for her work with students and MY HERO.


Laura Nietzer

The International Education Week lesson plan was created by MY HERO Education Outreach Director Laura Nietzer.

MY HERO Calendars for use in the Classroom

MY HERO's Teachers Calendar Features Lesson Plans and Multimedia Resources

Teachers Calendar
Credit: MY HERO

Learn about a New Hero Every Day of the Year: Use the MY HERO Calendar in the Classroom

MY HERO Related Page Links

Learning Circle

By: Laura Nietzer

A Place for Educators to Learn About the MY HERO Learning Circle Partnership with iEARN.

Global Educator Award Winners

By: Wendy Milette

Honoring leaders in Global Education


Students: Share Your Hero Essays, Films and Art through our Create Program

How to use MY HERO's Create Program to Publish Stories, Art, Film and Audio for Students

Tutorial for students: Publish written stories, film, original artwork and audio in MY HERO's multimedia library.

Create Program
Credit: MY HERO

Outstanding essays submitted to MY HERO will be considered for a certificate/t-shirt prize or be featured on the Story Homepage.

Submit your artwork to be entered in the MY HERO art contest or to be exhibited on our Gallery Homepage.

Students can submit their films for free with a waiver to the MY HERO International Film Festival.

Organizer created on 10/9/2019 7:46:48 AM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 9/17/2024 12:35:44 PM by Laura Nietzer