
John Towner Williams

by Laird Malamed from USA

 February 8, 1932  - John Towner Williams is born, 90 years ago. The world did not know it had improved that day, and often when we look around, it's hard to see it has. But John Williams composes the soundtrack to our lives. His music has touched millions - maybe billions. People have followed him into music, others to films and games (ahem), and still others are just happy to hear his tunes and enjoy.

As Steve Spielberg said: “Without John Williams, bikes don’t really fly, nor do brooms in Quidditch matches, nor do men in red capes. There is no Force. Dinosaurs do not walk the earth. We do not wonder, we do not weep, we do not believe. John, you breathe belief into every film we have made.”

I would say John Williams breathes life into every one who hears his music. Happy 90th birthday Maestro! Thanks for the oxygen.

147018John Towner Williams and Laird MalamedLaird Malamed

Page created on 2/10/2022 5:38:25 AM

Last edited 2/10/2022 6:26:15 AM

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