
Lead Belly - 'Where Did you Sleep Last Night?'

Directed by: Lead Belly | Produced by: Folkways Records | Starring: Lead Belly | uploaded in 2007 | USA



Huddie Ledbetter, better known to the music world as “Lead Belly” was born January 20, 1889, in Mooringsport, Louisiana (near Shreveport). Lead Belly was the only child of Wesley and Sally Ledbetter. Lead Belly first tried his hand at playing music when he was only two years old. As a young man, he was introduced to the guitar by his Uncle Terrell Ledbetter and from that moment on he was electrified by the guitar.

In 1944, in New York, Lead Belly records the first of at least a half-dozen versions of “In the Pines,” which he most often calls “Where Did You Sleep Last Night,” or “Black Girl,” or “Black Gal.” He recorded over half-a-dozen versions between 1944 and 1948.




For More Information

The Lead Belly Foundation