

Directed by: Anthony Ochieng Onyango | Documentary | Kenya | 04:36



Coral reefs are an integral part of the ecosystem because they provide shelter and food for many species of fish and other aquatic life. They also provide a natural barrier against storms and other natural disasters, protecting coastal communities from flooding and erosion.

Matumbawe is a story about Khadija the daughter of Dosa Mshega a REEF Ranger who works restoring the coral reefs in the Wasini Channel area in Diani, Kenya. REEFolution Foundation, in collaboration with the Mkwiro Beach Management Unit (BMU), has established a Community Managed coral restoration project in this area.

Involving local communities in marine conservation is essential to the long-term health of our oceans. Community engagement is a key factor in ensuring the sustainability of marine ecosystems to protect marine life. Through community-led initiatives such as the REEF Ranger program, which is an opportunity for community members to become marine conservationists, they become more aware of the threats facing their local marine environment and are better equipped to take action to protect it.

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