
Never Too Old

Directed by: Athmaja A B, Sahan Raj | Produced by: ChangeChitra | Production Company: Video Volunteers | The MY HERO Project | Documentary | 2019 | INDIA | 5:25



"Karthyayani Amma of Cheppad village took up pen for the first time when she was 94 in 2017. Soon, she became the oldest topper of Kerala's Aksharalaksham literary exam and is celebrated as the ultimate success story from the state. She entered the workforce at a very young age and couldn't pursue education, owing to poverty and social conditions.
Karthyayani Amma's life is a beacon of Hope and stresses the possibilities of second chances for everyone.
The documentary ""Never Too Old"" offers a miniscule view of Amma's life and struggles in her own words."

For More Information

Video Volunteers | ChangeChitra Workshop