Resources and Guidelines for MY HERO Journalism Interns

MY HERO interns in journalism / social media celebrate the best of humanity, one story at a time.


MY HERO is always looking for journalism interns to create and improve heartfelt and inspirational stories about local and global heroes.

We are particularly interested in increasing our content about current activists and environmentalists who promote equality and diversity. 

MY HERO will not publish anything that promotes hatred, violence or prejudice. As a child-friendly website, we are dedicated to cultivating peace, tolerance and diversity.

Qualifications Required:

 Graphic skills, Writing skills, Social Media skills, website skills.

If you're interested in joining our team, contact us at: [email protected]


1. Produce Stories from Calendar items that link to outside sources.

Credit: MY HERO

2. Produce Stories from a Pitch or Assignment


The following stories showcase the type of content we're looking for.

The story should include links to related outside content and public domain images and/or images approved by the hero. Stories should also include an embedded video when applicable.


Margot Lee Shetterly: Shining a Light on Hidden Figures

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel
Margot Lee Shetterly is the author of "Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race."

Rachel Gemara: Nursing COVID-19 Patients in Israel

By: Ruth Ebenstein
Rachel Gemara is an oncology nurse in Jerusalem who treated patients with COVID-19 at a popup unit at Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

Liza Koshy

By: Dorothy Lie
Liza Koshy is a YouTuber who has collaborated with the Girls Opportunity Alliance (GOA) to advocate for greater educational opportunities for girls in underprivileged communities.

Samar Minallah Khan

By: Abigail Richardson
Samar is a filmmaker, anthropologist and activist. In the media, she has been referred to as ‘The Savior of Souls,’ one of the ‘Women who rock the world,’ ‘The Crusader with the Camera’ and the ‘Women that changed Pakistan.’

Marcus Rashford MBE - Football Hero and Hunger Campaigner

By: Abigail Richardson
Marcus Rashford is an England Premiere League footballer who rose to fame playing for Manchester United and England and more recently for his work with FareShare[i] to help tackle childhood hunger in the UK.

Other Duties as Assigned


Interns may also create and/or post social media graphics, edit incoming stories, proofread older content, cover MY HERO activities and events in press releases and social media outreach. 

Example of Film & Story Collaboration

Interview with Youth Activist Sophie Healy-Thow

Kitty Richardson

Interview with Imtiaz Dharker

Kitty Richardson
Interview with award-winning British poet Imtiaz Dharker on her journey with poetry, her creative process and facing injustice within the industry.

ChangeChitra: Made in Madras

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel

MY HERO's interview with the filmmakers of ChangeChitra, who made the award-winning film "Made in Madras" about soccer player (footballer) Sangeetha Sekar.

Sangeetha Sekar

By: Mohit Arora, Aishwarya Ashok, Shikha Kumari
Sangeetha Sekar is an award-winning soccer player (footballer) who lives on the streets with her family in Chennai, India.

How to Submit Stories

Using the Create Program to Publish Written Stories

By: Laura Nietzer

How to Find Public Domain Images


Step 1: Type in the hero's name, and select "Images."


Public domain images
Credit: MY HERO


Then select "Tools."


Public domain images
Credit: MY HERO


Then click "Usage Rights."


Public domain images
Credit: MY HERO


From the dropdown menu, choose "Creative Commons licenses."

You are free to use any images from that selection. Please give photo credit to the photographer, and include "creative commons" or "public domain" in the credit, if it's not already there.


Public domain images
Credit: MY HERO

Previous Interns

Cheuk Yiu (Rene) Cheng

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel
MY HERO Journalism Intern

Jesse Zaragoza

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel
MY HERO Journalism Intern

Sebastian Ruiz

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel
MY HERO Journalism Intern

Additional Tools

Writing and Interviewing Tips for MY HERO Interns and Student Reporters

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel
Report a Bug page
Credit: MY HERO

Organizer created on 8/3/2020 12:43:46 AM by Shannon Luders-Manuel

Last edited 1/13/2022 4:47:57 AM by Abigail Richardson