One in Thirty: The Story of Henry Oster

Directed by: Sarah Antabi, Tiffany Chang, Stephanie Cho, Sara Lowin, Gracie Sandman, India Spencer, Juliet Wiener | Produced by: Righteous Conversations Project | 2017 | USA



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Learn about this amazing Holocaust Survivor, Henry Oster. Personal testimony and animation bring alive a Holocaust survivor’s story, one of thirty German-born boys under the age of 18 to survive a concentration camp. A film by Sarah Antabli, Tiffany Chang, Stephanie Cho, Sara Lowin, Gracie Sandman, India Spencer, and Juliet Weiner. Based on the true story of Henry Oster. Producer C. Lily Ericsson, Associate producers Stephanie Delazeri and Danielle Stolz, Interview cinematographer Mimi Fuenzalida, Executive producers Cheri Gaulke and Samara Hutman. A production of The Righteous Conversations Project, a collaboration of Holocaust Survivors and teens, produced during Harvard-Westlake Summer Film in 2017.

My Hero International Film Festival 2017, 2nd Place Student Animation
Westflix 18, March 16, 2018, ArcLight Hollywood, Humanitarian Award
Sierra Canyon Film Festival, March 16, 2018, Raleigh Studios, Hollywood, Best Documentary
LA Student Film Festival, March 26, 2018, North Hollywood Cinefest, Laemmle NoHo 7 Theater
CineYouth, April 20, 2018, Chicago, Illinois
New Optics Film Festival, April 21, 2018, Columbia College, Hollywood, First Place Animation
SAMOHI Film Festival, April 27, 2018
Newport Beach Film Festival, April 26, 2018