Using MY HERO to Promote Peacemaking

by Andrew Greene, iEARN Sierra Leone (Freetown, WA/WESTERN)
Written By
Andrew Greene, iEARN Sierra Leone (Freetown, WA/WESTERN)

Grade Level
5-8, 9-12+

Arts - Media, Arts - Visual, Arts - Music, English/Language Arts, Social Studies

Photo courtesy of The Carter Center

Students around the world will use the Internet and other educational technologies to explore and find peacemaker heroes. Students will emulate the character qualities and activities of their peacemaker heroes through role play. Using multi-media art forms and technology, students will creatively express qualities and works of the heroes they admire.

The primary goal of this lesson is to help students learn how to become involved in peace missions and translate this awareness into action. By identifying peacemaker heroes and participating in an activity that promotes peace in their community, students will learn that they, too, can impact the world and make a difference. Using the MY HERO Web site to make entries in the Guestbook and create Web pages for their heroes, students will have the opportunity to interact with their peers who have been directly affected by war and, together, share ideas to promote peace in their community and nation. They will learn the power of the Internet as a forum for bringing the international community together to discuss how we can live in a peaceful environment and what peace means to them personally. This will be insightful for all of the students involved and provide an opportunity for learning the value of peacemaking efforts.
