The March for Freedom 1963

Directed by: Davon Johnson | Documentary | USA



PASSWORD: 2march4freedom1963

Nonviolent civil disobedience based on Christian beliefs started long before the 1963 peaceful protest, March for Freedom on Washington D.C. 

A. Philip Randolph, Bayard Rustin and A.J. Muste formed the idea of a peaceful movement, including a march on Washington in the early 1940's. They successfully pressured sequential Presidents to issue Executive Orders that advanced the Civil Rights cause greatly and forestalled the March. Their call to action passed to the next generation.

In the 1960's, ordinary, brave Americans followed the very strong leadership Martin Luther King, Jr. and others to make the March for Freedom a reality. This movement changed the nation forever; however, work remains as the torch of freedom and equality passes to our newest generation-our children.