World Science Day for Peace & Development home
Credit: UN Photo: Kibae Parkn

Teachers: Visit the free MY HERO Lesson Plan for World Science Day for Peace and Development. Includes discussion guide and learning outcomes.


Watch the following films about heroes using science to make the world more sustainable.

Secrets of the Universe (Trailer)

By: Stephen Low

A Woman's Place is in the Lab

Produced by:Christine Dennis

A historical look at the long road for women in science. Following the outstanding career of Dr. Gail Brown, Ph.D, renowned scientist.


Producer: Paul Lazarus

Best known for his Segway Personal Transporter, inventor Dean Kamen is taking on great challenges one invention at a time. SlingShot is the story of Kamen, his water purification technology, and his innovative approach to the safe water crisis.

MY HERO Suggested Video

"Unsung heroes of science" (2015) by DMS

These scientists are proving that science can change the world for the better: #brightscience

The Super Supercapacitor

Produced by:David Paul Meyer, Laura Lee / Directed by: Brian Golden Davis
Ric Kaner set out to find a new way to make graphene, the thinnest and strongest material on earth. What he found was a new way to power the world.

The $1 Microscope

Produced by:by: Michael Schwarz
A device made from paper promises to make microscopes as widely available as pencils.

Films by Younger Students

Fungi to the Rescue

Produced by:6th Graders at Pacific Elementary School
Pacific School students interview student researchers at UCSC about their work with FUNGI

The Secret of Trees

Produced by:Albert Maysles
What do trees know that we don't? 13-year-old inventor Aiden set out to find out.


Phan Thi Kim Phuc - From a symbol of war to a symbol of peace

By: Jennifer Yoshikoshi

Jerry White

By: Abigail Richardson
Born and raised in the United States, Jerry White's journey toward becoming a global advocate for peace was profoundly influenced by a life-altering event.

Medea Benjamin

By: Abigail Richardson

Deepwater Horizon: What we learned from worst oil spill ever

By: Doug Struck Correspondent

Thousands of experts studied oil spills and the Gulf of Mexico after Deepwater Horizon, the worst oil spill in history.

Jane Goodall / Jane Goodall finds reasons for hope for the planet’s survival

By: Karen Campbell Correspondent
Jane Goddall's new book offers hope for the planet.

Regina G. Barber, Ph.D., ‘Chin@-Chicana’ Scientist Hero

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

Dr. France Cordova

By: Barbara Field

Dr. France Cordova is a renowned astrophysicist who has broken gender and cultural barriers. [This story is also available in Spanish.]

Neil deGrasse Tyson

By: Daren from Hawesville
Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist, cosmologist and science communicator.

Ellen Ochoa

By: Daniel Chavez
As the first Hispanic female astronaut and a co-inventor of three patents, Ellen Ochoa is a shining example of female empowerment.

Dr. Joshua Miele / A developer of ‘cool ideas’ for blind people gets MacArthur ‘genius grant’

By: David Clark Scott
Dr. Joshua Miele, blind since age 4, wins MacArthur Award for his new technology.

William Kamkwamba

By: Dorothy Lie
William Kamkwamba is a Malawian engineer, TED speaker, and memoirist who built his first windmill from junkyard scraps to help his struggling family farm.

Listen & Read Along

Merieme Chadid

By: Rebecca Miller
Merieme Chadid is an astronomer from Morocco who did research at the South Pole.

William Kamkwamba

By: Wendy Jewell & David Kemker

William Kamkwamba designed and built a windmill, at the age of 14 for his family in Malawi, Africa. [This story is also available in French.]

Science Heroes in Art

These posters from The Amplifier Foundation celebrate climate science heroes who work for environmental justice. Th

Science is Universal

By: Celeste Byers for Amplifier

As part of the Amplifier Foundation's support of the March on Science, Byers designed this poster to remind us of the credibility of scientists and their importance.

James Balog - Climate Hero

By: Mark5 for Amplifier

James Balog is an American photographer whose work explores the relationship between humans and nature in an effort to create greater awareness about the climate crisis.

Defenders of Truth - Deepika Kurup

By: Kate Deciccio

Young inventor, scientist and student Deepika Kurup was awarded $25,000 for her work in developing a new and inexpensive method to clean water using solar power.

Defenders of Truth - Joni Wallis

By: Kate Deciccio

For the March For Science, Amplifier commissioned artist and educator Kate DeCiccio to create artwork about Dr. Joni Wallis, a cognitive neurophysiologist and professor at the University of California Berkeley. In 2016, she came out as a trans woman.

Stories from the Christian Science Montior

Physics Nobel rewards trio for contributions to climate models
Credit: Courtesy of the CSM

Related Pages

Kid Inventors' Day (K.I.D.)

By: Becky Miller
Celebrate the ingenuity and value of young inventors on KID INVENTORS' DAY.

External Links

Our Curators


Hero Stories curated by MY HERO General Editors Deborah Neff and Abigail Richardson. 


Short films curated by MY HERO International Film Festival director Wendy Milette


Audio curated by MY HERO Audio director Stu Pearlman. 

Organizer created on 11/8/2013 8:24:21 AM by Becky Miller

Last edited 9/19/2024 10:34:27 AM by Abigail Richardson