Directed by: Hendrik S. Schmitt | Production Company: The Jet Lagged | Short | 2021 | GERMANY | 5:23



"Our planet is drowning in trash, because we have become addicted to single-use and disposable plastic. Researchers estimate that of the over 8.3 billion tons of plastic ever produced,
only 9% has been recycled.

The environmental consequences, on land and in our oceans, are severe and undeniable. Even though the world is slowly waking up to the problem, the global volume of plastic waste continues to grow every year.

Frequently, trash gets disposed in the environment, in rivers and in the ocean, where animals get entangled or die from eating plastic. Over the years, the plastic breaks up into smaller and pieces, which accumulate toxins and can persist for up to 1,000 years before fully disintegrating. Plastic particles and micro-plastics make their way into food chains and our water supply – and thus into our bodies.

With this film experience, The Jetlagged and Plastic Pollution Coalition want to show our addiction to plastics and raise awareness about the impact plastic waste has on the local and global environment. By immersing the viewer in environments that are heavily affected by plastic trash, the filmmakers want to challenge the viewers to rethink their plastic consumption and eventually change their behavior. Pristine environments which are not affected by plastic pollution YET contrast the pollution, igniting the desire to protect our planet and inspire the viewer to spread the word about the problem with plastic and the solutions to people in their own communities."