
A Way Forward

Directed by: Jacob Seigel-Brielle & Isaac Seigel-Boettner | | Production Company: Pedal Born Pictures | Documentary | 2021 | USA/Kenya | 6:03



For Dianah and Angela, going to school in rural Kenya couldn’t have been more difficult. Rise before the sun. Fetch water. Study. Cook breakfast for the family. Brave the hour long walk to class, dodging the sexual advances of motorcycle taxi drivers along the way. Arrive in class exhausted, worrying constantly about the return trip. Then Dianah and Angela got bicycles. Through the voices of three generations, A Way Forward tells the story of how something as simple as two wheels empowered these incredible young women to not only pursue their own dreams, but inspire others to do the same.

For More Information

Pedal Born Pictures
World Bicycle Relief