
Climate change and indigenous knowledge: An unknown asset

Directed by: CTA | Produced by: CTA | Starring: Yacouba Sawadogo | 2022 | USA



Yacouba Sawadogo is known as “the man who stopped the desert”. Starting around 1980 during a phase of severe drought, he has successfully created an almost 40-hectare forest on formerly barren and abandoned land. Today, it has more than 60 species of trees and bushes and is arguably one of the most diverse forests planted and managed by a farmer in the Sahel.

Sawadogo’s remarkable success builds on experimenting with traditional planting pits for soil, water and biomass retention, called “zaï” in local language. He has continued innovating the technique over the years, increasing crop yields and successfully planting trees. Despite facing resistance from locals in the beginning – Sawadogo was called a “madman” and saw his forest set on fire – he never considered giving up.

For More Information

Right Livelihood
The Man Who Stopped the Desert - Trailer. Narrated by Hugh Quarshie