Coronavirus Community Heroes Multimedia Contest -- Spring Finalists 2021

Spring finalists for the Coronavirus Community Heroes Multimedia Contest

Stories | Adult

Dr. Gregg DeNicola

By: Caroline Wright
Dr. Gregg DeNicola is Chief Medical Officer of Caduceus Medical in Laguna Beach and has skillfully guided his patients through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Carole Clarke Mazer
By: Debbi Clarke
Carole Clarke Mazer is an ER nurse at West Hills Hospital.

Stories | High School

Aisan Jamee

By: Aysan Hosseinirad
"Although we have been in quarantine for more that a year, I have never felt lonely because I have a mother who is by my side at all times."

Stories | Middle School

Sonu Sood

By: Saksham Mehn
Sonu Sood is an Indian actor, model and film producer who is helping others during the coronavirus pandemic.

Jyoti Kumari Paswan

By: Kriday Sharma
Teenage Jyoti Kumari Paswan rode her injured father 1,200 km by bicycle to reach their rural village after being displaced by the coronavirus in India.
Health Workers
By: Madison Lee
Poem about quarantine and the pandemic.

Stories | Elementary School

NHS Helicopter Crew

By: Teddy Denby
Teddy's heroes are the NHS helicopter crew who tended to his mom and all the NHS workers who help many people in Britain.

My Mum Dr Norwood

By: James Norwood
James' mom is a doctor who helps people during the coronavirus and takes care of her family.

My Mum and Dad

By: Robyn Logan
Robyn's mum and dad are her heroes for helping the family and their community during the coronavirus lockdown.

Films | Elementary School

My HeroS: My Teachers

Produced by:Mehmet Aşkıner, Özge Aşkıner

Deniz interviews his teachers about what it was like to teach during the pandemic.

Salute corona warriors

Produced by:Swathi

Veeksha uses a tangram to salute corona warriors.

Films | Middle School



Shweta's hero his her grandfather, a doctor who works selflessly during the pandemic.

Films | Adult

Days of Quarantine

Noor Tarek
A reflection on the pain and growth during the shelter in place.

Art | All ages 

Be safe

By: Bakunawa la luna
Artwork by Bakunawa la luna.

Food Deliverer - A Hero Feeding the Vulnerable

By: Zainab Rehan Khan
This picture is dedicated to everyday heroes such as the food delivery people who, in spite of the danger, continue to provide food to others.

Let us fight together against covid -19

By: Zaina Alam Piya
Coronavirus Contest art by

Stay safe because you're a hero !

By: Sophia Lambert
Celebrating heroes in healthcare.

Heroes to super heroes

By: Shaza Nasir
Coronavirus community heroes.

Additional Information

Coronavirus Community Heroes Call for Entries

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel
As the world rallies together during the latest pandemic, the reality and comfort of humanity's goodness shines through. MY HERO is taking submissions about heroes helping others during the coronavirus outbreak. The hero can be anyone!

Coronavirus Community Heroes Essay Contest Winners

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel
Winners of the 2020 Community Heroes Essay Contest

Coronavirus Community Heroes Multimedia Contest | October Winners

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel
Congratulations to our most recent winners of the Coronavirus Community Heroes multimedia contest!

Organizer created on 6/7/2021 4:10:50 PM by Shannon Luders-Manuel

Last edited 6/23/2021 10:43:39 AM by Giselle Villatoro