SUNDAY 11/12 from 1 - 3:30 PM

MY HERO is showcasing the Finalists for the Immersive Storytelling Award!

Also a discussion with VR creators in the Leadership Center from 2:45 - 3:30 PM

Experience Virtual Reality content for social good.

Featured VR content includes:

Oculus VR for Good


Blaze VR

Bella Gaia VR

Underground Engine - Interactive VR

The Immersive Storytelling Award is sponsored by Oculus


There will also be a screening of select winning films in the theater from 1 - 2:45

New Roads School ~ 3131 Olympic Blvd ~ Santa Monica CA 90404

Virtual Reality Showcase - Leadership Center

Screening select winning films - Ann & Jerry Moss Theater

This event is free and open to the public. RSVP: