
Juneteenth is celebrated on June 19th, the date Federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas, and enforced the law ending slavery, which was mandated by the Emancipation Proclamation almost two years prior. Texas was the last state to uphold slavery, and it wasn't until June 19, 1865, that the final enslaved people there were granted their freedom.


Juneteenth - A Letter From Roma, Texas

By: Russell Skowronek, Christopher L. Miller
Juneteenth celebrates the emancipation of slaves residing in Texas.

Dread Scott on the Slave Rebellion Reenactment

Eva Haller

Join the Launch of the Black Legacy Project on June 19, 2021

Audio / Call to Action

Juneteenth is celebrated with performances of traditional African American songs, as well as readings of the Emancipation Proclamation and African American literature.

Take part in Juneteenth by listening to music, spoken word and readings marking important historical moments in Black History below.


The Emancipation Proclamation

A dramatic reading of the Emancipation Proclamation, which paved the way for the abolishment of slavery and served as a rallying point in the midst of the Civil War.

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

The song become one of the best known African American spirituals. It has been recorded by Paul Robeson to Johnny Cash, from Fats Waller to Eric Clapton.

Ralph Ellison's INVISIBLE MAN

A reading from Ralph Ellison's INVISIBLE MAN

A Brave and Startling Truth

Produced by:United Nations
Maya Angelou reads her poem "A Brave and Startling Truth" which she wrote in commemoration of the UN's 50th Anniversary, in 1995.

The following stories highlight heroes who were integral to winning the Civil War, which resulted in the abolition of slavery.

Frederick Douglass

By: Donna from Cal State Fullerton
Frederick Douglass courageously spoke out against slavery and became a trusted advisor to Abraham Lincoln.

My Hero in A Hat: Abraham Lincoln's Heroism

By: Ravyn from Fredericksburg
Learn more about how President Abraham Lincoln's morality, passion for equality, and humility in creating the Emancipation Proclamation make him a hero.

Anna J. Cooper

By: Kaila Manangan
Anna J. Cooper was an African American scholar and early civil rights activist.

Mary Richards Bowser

By: Jane Wallace
An abolitionist and Union supporter, Mary Richards Bowser became a black spy in the Confederate White House of Jefferson Davis.

Story from The Christian Science Monitor

Wynton Marsalis and Bryan Stevenson fuse jazz, protest, and justice on Juneteenth album

By: Ryan Doan-Nguyen and Aaron Morrison
June 18, 2024 - Civil rights lawyer and jazz pianist Bryan Stevenson and Pulitzer-winning jazz artist Wynton Marsalis collaborated on a new live performance album of historic jazz records to honor Juneteenth and Black history. [CSM Story]

Related Pages

Black History Month

Celebrate Black History Month and the achievements of African Americans in civil rights, science, art and sports.

The Black National Anthem

Produced by:P-Gates Production

Committed's version of the "Black National Anthem" as they commemorate Black History Month.

External Links

Our Curators


Hero Stories curated by MY HERO General Editors Deborah Neff and Abi Richardson.


Short films curated by MY HERO International Film Festival director Wendy Milette


Audio curated by MY HERO Audio director Stu Pearlman. 

Organizer created on 6/8/2020 7:50:13 PM by Shannon Luders-Manuel

Last edited 6/19/2024 1:24:32 PM by Abigail Richardson