MY HERO First Steps Learning Circle

5-week introduction to Learning Circles and The MY HERO Project

For those teachers and students who are new to iEARN and online collaborative project work, the 5 week MY HERO First Steps is an opportunity to get a sampling of the MY HERO Learning Circle. Using technology, students learn about young global heroes and honor heroes in their own community while teachers connect with other educators.

MY HERO Learning CIrcles
Credit: MY HERO

MY HERO Learning Circle Timeline - 5 Week Session

Week 1: Opening the Circle

Introduction to the collaboration centre and the MY HERO website.


Teachers introduce themselves and share a photo of themself with their class in their classroom to post on the project forum in Schoology.

Week 2:

Class introductions are shared on the forum. Participants share the introductions of other classes with their students. What questions or comments do students have about the information shared in other classes surveys?

Week 3:

Watch selected films organized by grade level. Respond to questions following questions and share class's answers shared online in the forum.

What did students think about the films? What is something they would like to see changed? How can they make a difference?


Week 4:

Teachers share the essay How to Choose Your Hero with students, have a class discussion about who is a hero and the difference between a hero and a celebrity. Share your students' thoughts in our project space.

Link to PDF: How to Choose Your Hero

Link to Web version How to Choose Your Hero in the MY HERO Forum


After reading the essay, students post a few sentences about their personal hero in The MY HERO Learning Circle Guestbook.





Week 5:

Concluding posts, teachers/students say goodbye and Circle closes.

Teachers fill out post project survey.



Links to MY HERO Website and Resources

Teachers Room
Credit: MY HERO
Educators QuickStart Guide
Credit: MY HERO
MY HERO Website
Credit: MY HERO

Short Films that Introduce MY HERO 

Welcome to MY HERO's Teachers Room

Kitty Richardson

Learn about the MY HERO Teachers Room and all it has to offer!

The MY HERO Short Promo
Credit: The MY HERO Project

MY HERO Overview and Impact

Credit: MY HERO

Short film introducing the Art Gallery

Credit: MY HERO

Tutorials on How to Create Story, Art, Film, and Audio Pages on            MY HERO

Using the Create Program to Publish Original Artwork

By: Laura Nietzer
Tutorial for Students

Using the Create Program to Upload and Publish Audio

By: Laura Nietzer
Tutorial for Students

Use the Create Program to Upload Films and Videos

By: Laura Nietzer
Tutorial For Students

How to Use the Create Program to Write and Submit a Story

By: Laura Nietzer
Tutorial for Students

Essay to Share with Students about How to Choose a Hero

Link to an Essay to Share with Students before Choosing their Hero

How Should we Choose our Heroes Essay
Credit: MY HERO

Teachers' Calendar and Monthly Lesson Plan Resource Links

Credit: MY HERO
Credit: MY HERO

Additional Resource Links

Organizer created on 12/16/2019 4:48:54 PM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 2/25/2025 2:07:55 PM by Laura Nietzer