
Directed by: Alán Gonzáles | Produced by: Noelia Kubatov | Production Company: Mariachi Films | Documentary | 2018 | Mexico | 20:00



PASSWORD: sundanceinstitute


This VR experience takes you into the horror during the Earthquake and the heart of community activism after the devastation of the Earthquake in Mexico City on September 19, 2017. This is the second large Earthquake to hit on the same date Sept. 19, thus the title of this piece S19.

Civic technology project whose main objective is to empower society, in educational matters of prevention and civil protection in case of natural disasters.


Proyecto de tecnología cívica cuyo objetivo central es empoderar a la sociedad, en materia educativa de prevencción y protección civil en caso de desastres naturales.

For More Information

Interview with Director Alán Gonzáles (IN SPANISH)
Mariachi Films