High School

Save My School

Directed by: David Sloan | Produced by: Destiny Brown and Tahir Juba | Production Company: Wide Angle Youth Media | Documentary | 2017 | USA | 2:00



On Thursday March 2, students, teachers, and government employees gathered at War Memorial Plaza to protest the impending $130-million-dollar budget cut that Baltimore City Public Schools are facing. The rally was led by high school students, in coordination with the Baltimore Algebra Project. Youth leaders led chants, recited original poetry, and told personal stories about the importance of education.

The rally created an opportunity for unity across generations, and Wide Angle Youth Producers Destiny Brown and Tahir Juba worked with Production Director David Sloan to document this solidarity. The end product is a video composed of candid footage from the rally and video portraits of protesters. The footage is accompanied by an original poem about the importance of education and having one’s voice heard, written by Baltimore City high school student Imani Turner.

This video was created by Wide Angle Youth Producers to send a powerful message to all who watch: that the citizens of Baltimore will not go down without a fight. There has still not been any news of a definitive solution to stop the budget cuts, and it is now the job of every single person in Baltimore to show local and state officials that this is not acceptable.

Join in on the fight for our education by sharing this video on social media to spread the word that Baltimore matters.


For More Information

Wide Angle Youth Media