Teacher's Guide to Using the MY HERO Create Program

by by Jerrilyn Jacobs, Taft High School
Written By
by Jerrilyn Jacobs, Taft High School

Grade Level
K-4, 5-8, 9-12+

English/Language Arts, Social Studies

WATCH VIDEO: Ms. Jacobs' students give feedback from their experience in using the MY HERO website. (5MB)

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Students of all ages can publish online tributes to their heroes on the MY HERO Create web design program.

This lesson plan gives an overview of the Create Program and shows how to develop individual hero stories into MY HERO web pages.

There are two ways to contribute hero stories to the MY HERO website. Students can post text-only entries directly into the Guestbook or create a web page incorporating images to honor their heroes. Guestbook entries are posted live into an ever-growing archive of hero stories. Students can use the search engine in the Guestbook to locate their entries and enjoy sharing them with friends and family.

The Create Program provides a user-friendly introduction to Web technology, enabling students to combine their writing, research, and pictures to design a web page for their hero. As students develop their hero web pages, the program allows them access to their stories from any computer with an Internet connection, be it at school, home, or in the public library. Once they have completed their story and received approval from the teacher, students can submit their work to publish their web page. Anyone with an Internet connection can access and read a student’s web page. It is a way for families and friends to share in the student’s accomplishment.

Teachers do not have to be computer experts to guide their class through this process. This lesson plan annotates the basic submission process.


Having identified a personal hero, the student will conduct research, write an essay or narrative, create illustrations and/or find images and Internet links. Students will upload their stories, images and links into the MY HERO Create program to create their own web page.
