
MY HERO Project's Resources about the Holocaust and Jewish Culture

by Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer from United States

I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel


146783Anne FrankArt by Natalie of Laguna Beach High School

January 27th marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp. In 2005, the United Nations General Assembly designated January 27th as International Holocaust Remembrance Day (IHRD).

During the month of January, The MY HERO Project celebrates Holocaust Remembrance Day with stories, films, and artwork by students and professionals from around the world. Their website features creative work about famous heroes like Elie Wiesel, Anna Frank, and Raja Weksler, along with other well-known and unsung heroes. International Holocaust Day is observed to inscribe the atrocities of the Holocaust into our hearts and our history. To that end, it is important to hear testimonies and stories of survivors of the Holocaust.

146784Sam Goldofsky, Survivor of Auschwitz, 2015 Art by David Kassan

The MY HERO Project website includes over fifty stories honoring Holocaust survivors, several dozen films, and artwork from students and professional artists from around the world. 

Subjects include Helpers Resistors,” “Resistance Fighters;” “Family Member Stories,” and Voices of Survivors.  The MY HERO website also features award winning short films made by students and survivors working with the Righteous Conversation Project.  


Holocaust Remembrance Day Lesson Plan

MY HERO's lesson plans include grade appropriate stories, art, and films, discussion guides, and classroom activities for teachers to integrate into curricula at all grade levels. As we enhance student learning by remembering and honoring the victims of the Holocaust and those who fought the Nazi Regime, we join a global community that resolves to reject the denial of the Holocaust and to condemn discrimination and genocide worldwide. 

MY HERO is a non-profit educational project that’s mission is to use media, art and technology to celebrate the best of humanity. Since 1995, over 100 million people from 197 countries have participated in The MY HERO Project learning platform. Our award-winning programs raise awareness for the amazing work being done by heroes globally and at the grass roots level to address some of the greatest challenges of our time. We work to promote cross-cultural communication, human rights, environmental awareness, tolerance, media literacy and the arts. We openly encourage people of all faiths to join us in this important work.

Please visit the website and share MY HERO’s rich media library, lesson plans and digital story telling tools with parents, teachers and students that you know. All are invited to participate by sharing stories, art, films, and music on this global learning project.


MY HERO Project website
Films for Holocaust Remembrance Day
stories honoring Holocaust survivors
Holocaust Remembrance Day Lesson Plan
Righteous Conversation Project
Eva Haller Salon: Eli Wiesel: Carolyn Stoessinger shares personal stories and depicts the life of political activist and Nobel laureate, Elie Wiesel.
MY HERO FILM about Eva Haller: Eva Haller, A Work in Progress by  Jeanne Meyers

Page created on 1/11/2022 5:05:24 PM

Last edited 12/12/2022 2:49:19 PM

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