Women's Rights

All human beings have the right to live free from violence and discrimination, to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, to be educated, to own property; to vote, and to earn an equal wage. But across the globe, many women and girls still face discrimination on the basis of sex and gender. For many years women’s rights movements have fought hard to address this, campaigning to change laws and demanding equality for all.

Women's Rights
Credit: MY HERO

The First Convention Devoted to Women's Rights: Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Mary Ann M'Clintock organize the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 and initiate the campaign for the women's right to vote. 

Lucretia Mott (1793-1880)

By: Hailey Pantoja

"Eight years later in Seneca Falls, New York, Mott and Stanton, along with Mott's younger sister, Martha Coffin Wright, fulfilled the pledge they had made to each other in London and held the first woman's rights convention in America.”

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902)

By: Kerri from Fredericksburg
Elizabeth Cady Stanton met Susan B. Anthony, another Woman’s Rights Activist, and they became close friends and worked as a team, to change the world for women. In 1848, with the help of Stanton and Anthony, the Married Woman’s Property Act of New York was passed. This act allowed women to be able to have custody of their children, hold property, make contracts, keep their own earnings and inheritance, and sue in court.

1866 | Frances Ellen Watkins Harper demands the right to vote for black women

Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911)

By: Geeta Malik

Frances Ellen Watkins was a prolific author, poet, abolitionist and suffragist. In 1866, at the National Women's Rights Convention, she demanded equal rights for all, including Black women. She helped found the National Association of Colored Women

1916 | The National Women's Party is Established

1916 | Lucy Burns and Alice Paul establish the National Woman's Party (NWP) in 1916.


Alice Paul (1885-1977)

By: Emma from San Diego

Alice Paul was a suffragist and leader for the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, which granted women the right to vote. She picketted the White House and organized boycotts.

Lucy Burns (1879-1966)

By: Dominique Canlas from Brea
Lucy Burns had spent more time in prison then any other women's activist at the time. Burns was ridiculed and yelled at because of her actions, but she stayed firm to her beliefs and ignored all the negativity.


Watch this short student-produced film, Women's Equality Day, to learn more about the importance of the 19th Amendment and the history of Women's Equality Day. 


Women's Equality Day

Kitty Richardson

A brief look at the journey towards Equity for Women.

These present-day heroes follow their passions in supporting and pursuing women's rights and equality, both globally and in their own communities.

Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe

By: Jane Wallace
Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe works to end violence and sexual exploitaton in Uganda.

Hazviperi Betty Makoni

By: Wendy Jewell
Hazviperi Betty Makoni founded the Girl Child Network to transform lives.

Advocators for Women and Girls Education

Pashtana Durrani

By: Deborah Neff
Pashtana Durrani, who received the Malala Fund Education Champion award for her work on behalf of education for Afghan girls, is determined to continue providing educational opportunities for women and girls, even if she has to resist the Taliban and go underground.

Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, Hero and ‘Mother of Afghan Education’

By: Abigail Richardson

Yasmine Sherif: Winner of the 2020 Global Educator Award

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel
Yasmine Sherif, who leads Education Cannot Wait, is the winner of MY HERO's 2020 Global Educator Award.

Sahraa Karimi

By: Deborah Neff
Afghan filmmaker Sahraa Karimi speaks out about the future of Afghan cinema and the rights of girls and women as the Taliban takes over the country in August 2021.

2019 MY HERO Global Educator Award Winner Melinda Gates

By: Betty Bailey
Melinda Gates' women heroes in Africa and India teach her how to uplift the women in their communities through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Sarah Brown, Global Health and Education Hero

By: Abigail Richardson

Malala Yousafzai - Young Activist for Female Education 

Malala is the youngest person to win a Nobel Peace Prize, and on June 19, 2020, she received her degree from Oxford University.


Malala Yousafzai: The One With a Voice

By: Alex Zakoor
Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist for girls' education and the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

MY HERO Suggested Video

 Malala Yousafzai | The Youngest Nobel Prize Winner | #SeeHer Story by Katie Couric

At only 22 years old, Malala Yousafzai has made a name for herself as one of the most influential champions of female education in the world.

Malala Yousafzai

By: Becky Miller
MY HERO celebrates the courage and strong principles of education advocate Malala Yousafzai, who stood up to the Taliban and fought for girls' right to education.

Samar Khan - 'The Woman who Changed the World'

Samar Khan, of Vital Voices, is a filmmaker, anthropologist and activist who has spent years using film and other mediums to promote social change in Pakistan, predominantly advocating for women and children’s causes.

Samar Minallah Khan, Documentary Filmmaker and Human Rights Activist

By: Abigail Richardson

OutSwing [Trailer]

Samar Minallah Khan
On the outskirts of Islamabad, a committed coach teaches a team of unlikely players, their families, and a community how playing Cricket can change lives.

The following two short films address violence against women. One is a speech by Alyse Nelson of Vital Voices, speaking out against the epidemic of violence against women and for the rights of women everywhere. The second is a PSA about protecting women from violence in India.

Alyse Nelson of Vital Voices speaks out on violence against women


Alyse Nelson of Vital Voices makes an impassioned call to change culture and end the global crisis of violence against women.

Women Rights - PSA

Produced by:Rajat Diwan
A PSA calling for better ways to protect women in India.

Listen & Read Along

The following stories have links so you can hear the audio as you read. Great for ESL students!

Dorothy Height

By: Yajahira from Las Vegas
Dorothy Height was one of the most influential women of the civil rights movement and was important for including women's rights as well as African American rights.

Maria Bashir

By: Mena from San Diego
Maria Bashir is an Afghani prosecutor and advocate for women.

Tom Block founded the Human Rights Painting Project to showcase  defenders of women's human rights around the world.

Short films about remarkable heroes who devote their lives to making things better for young girls

He Named Me Malala - Official Trailer

Produced by:Laurie MacDonald
HE NAMED ME MALALA is a portrait of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai.

Ten Thousand Girls

Producer: Adams Sie
Mrs. Viola Vaughn runs "10,000 Girls," a project in Senegal, Africa, which aims to help girls in education and vocational training.

Educate Girls

Produced by:Skoll Foundation

In India, Educate Girls is working to make education more accessible to girls by partnering with public schools, training local champions for girls’ education.


Produced by:Cheikh Seck (Mentor)
A film about Oumy, a junior high student from Dakar, Senegal. Oumy speaks about her pursuit of education and the hardships that women in her country face.

Is the Taliban's return the end of music in Afghanistan?

Cormac Walter O'Brien
"As the Taliban take control, members of 'Zohra', Afghanistan's first all-female orchestra, wonder what's next for their music and rights as women.

A Short Film from a Middle School Activist Against Violence to Women

The Poet

Cheikh Darou Seck
Mohameth Niane, from Senegal, shares his poem about the need to respect women and stop violence against them. Others chime in on his poetry.


Irene Fernandez

By: Tom Block
The Human Rights Painting Project has identified Irene Fernandez as an activist who reported on human rights abuses and was incarcerated as a result of her work

Jacqueline Moudeina - Human Rights Painting Project

By: Tom Block
Jacqueline Moudeina has received numerous death threats — unintended consequences of her distinction as one of Chad's most prominent human rights lawyers

Meena Keshwar Kamal

By: Tom Block

Meena Keshwar Kamal worked to empower the women of Afghanistan. In 1977 she founded the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) to provide education, shelter, and healthcare to Afghani refugees.

Alice Paul

By: Robert Shetterly
Robert Shetterly depicts Alice paul, crusader for equal rights for women


By: Kedaton Campbell

Pave the Way

By: Micah Cross

Hear Our Voice by Liza Donovan

By: Liza Donovan
Poster created for The Women's March on Washington 2017 with the Amplifier Foundation

Stories from the Christian Science Monitor

Mallika Dutt

By: Leslie Garrett <br> Contributor of <br>The Christian Science Monitor<br> <h5...
Mallika Dutt found help in her work to end violence against women. She recruited men.

Dallas Jessup made 'Just Yell Fire' to teach young women to defend themselves

By: Gail Wood <br> Contributor of <br>The Christian Science Monitor<br> <h5>Perm...
Dallas Jessup was just a teenager when she made the video 'Just Yell Fire.' Today she's continuing that mission to help girls and young women stay safe.

Mobilizing Young Men in India to End Violence Against Women

By: Anna da Costa<br> Thomson Reuters Foundation <br> <h5>Permission to use this...
A small but growing number of organizations in India are tackling gender-based violence at its root, making men a central part of the solution.

Related Pages

International Day of the Girl | October 11

By: Becky Miller
Established by the UN in 2012 to bring awareness to the needs of the 1.1 billion girls in the world. These needs include the right to education, nutrition, legal rights, and medical care; and protection from discrimination, violence and child marriage. The day also aims to promote their empowerment and the fulfillment of their human rights.

Women's History Month | March

Women's History Month is celebrated each March in the United States as a way to "amplify women's voices to honor the past, inform the present and inspire the future."

International Women Human Rights Defenders Day

By: Xenia Shin
November 29 | Paying tribute to to the hundreds of thousands of women who courageously defend womens human rights, as well as all those who work for equality in every sphere of society

International Women Human Rights Defenders Day

By: Xenia Shin
November 29 | Paying tribute to to the hundreds of thousands of women who courageously defend womens human rights, as well as all those who work for equality in every sphere of society

International Women's Day

By: Becky Miller
is celebrated on March 8th Celebrating the achievements of women.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women Teacher Lesson Plan

By: Laura Nietzer
Share the importance of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women with your students. Bring classrooms to life with MY HERO's Multimedia Resources and Lesson Plan for Teachers. Includes discussion guide and learning outcomes.

Women's Equality Day

By: Becky Miller
August 26 August 26 of each year is designated in the United States as Women's Equality Day. Instituted by Rep. Bella Abzug and first established in 1971, the date commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment, the Woman Suffrage Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gave U.S. women full voting rights in 1920.

Organizer created on 7/5/2022 2:58:42 PM by Abigail Richardson

Last edited 7/11/2022 2:50:47 PM by Laura Nietzer