Learn about the importance of WORLD FOOD DAY, which promotes the 2nd United Nations Sustainable Development Goal: a world free from hunger and malnutrition.
Teachers: Visit the free MY HERO Lesson Plan for World Food Day for this film program. Includes discussion guide and learning outcomes.
These hero stories provide inspiring examples of individuals and groups working to end hunger.
Frances Moore Lappe, an activist, is passionate about vegetarianism and the fight to end hunger and poverty.
The Soul foundation runs two "JBJ Soul Kitchens" in New Jersey. At these nonprofit, community restaurants, diners pay for their "farm-to-table" meals by volunteering or giving a donation.
Heros Feeding CHILDREN
MY HERO Suggested Video
"Athletic, Concerned College Students Deliver 626,000+ lbs of Produce to Food Banks in Need" (2020) by The Farm Link Project
Get involved at FarmLink.org
Vegan Food Heroes
Listen & Read Along
This story has an audio version for ESL students and the visually impaired!
Posters and Artwork that illustrate the concerns about our food today
Illustrates the environmental effects of meat consumption, emphasising the strain it will cause for future generations.
MY HERO Suggested Video
"World Food Day 2020" (2020) by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
#WorldFoodDay is calling for global solidarity to help all populations, and especially the most vulnerable, to recover from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to make food systems more resilient and robust so they can withstand increasing volatility and climate shocks, deliver affordable and sustainable healthy diets for all, and decent livelihoods for food system workers. We are also giving thanks to the world’s #FoodHeroes who, produce, plant, harvest, fish or transport our food. No matter the circumstances, they continue to provide food to their communities and beyond - helping to grow, nourish and sustain our world. Grow, nourish, sustain. Together. Our Actions are our Future.
Christian Science Monitor Stories
"[A] mission to improve the health and well-being of vulnerable children, young people, adults and families around the world, with a focus on combating the physical, social and economic impacts of HIV/AIDS."
Hero Stories curated by MY HERO General Editors Deborah Neff and Abigail Richardson. |
Short films curated by MY HERO International Film Festival director Wendy Milette. |
Organizer created on 10/7/2014 8:05:16 AM by Becky Miller
Last edited 10/5/2022 2:31:56 PM by Abigail Richardson