
2020 IFF Ron Kovic Peace Prize

Directed by: Jeanne Meyer, Wendy Millette, Andrew Purchin, Katy Wang | Production Company: The MY HERO Project | 2020 | USA | 14:19



The 2020 MY HERO International Film Festival is proud to award two films (The Curious Scroll: How Does Something Ugly Become Beautiful by Andrew Purchin and The Peace of Wild Things by Katy Wang) with the Ron Kovic Peace Prize. 

Poet Wendell Berry (featured in The Peace of Wild Things) is one of this year's recipients of the MY HERO Special Hero Award. 

Ron Kovic is an accomplished author, painter, and activist who has worked for world peace over the last 40 years. As a former Marine Corps sergeant, he served two tours of duty in the Vietnam War before being wounded in combat and paralyzed from the mid-chest down. He went on to become a prominent spokes-person for the anti-war movement, having since addressed the Democratic National Convention in 1976, President Obama and other dignitaries at the 32nd annual Kennedy Center Honors Ceremony in 2009, and Rome's Mayor Gianni Alemanno and other civic leaders as a member of Council for Dignity, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation in 2010.