The MY HERO Global Exchange engages under-served young people from around the world in a participatory experience that promotes a positive view of humanity. Led by accomplished video artists and media educators, GX workshops introduce young people to 21st century digital arts and media literacy skills. Participants publish their hero stories, art and films to share with our global online audience. The project seeks to bridge the digital divide and build cross-cultural awareness and understanding.


The GLOBAL EXCHANGE was launched in Southern California by The MY HERO Project with support from a grant from The U.S. State Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Representatives from around the world were able to quickly advance skills in digital media production by creating "hero films" with the MY HERO team. This program was designed to help overseas partners understand how to prepare their communities to take part in this global exchange.


The Global Exchange promotes cross- cultural understanding, media and computer literacy, and empowers young people to believe in their own ability to create positive change in the world. Corporations, foundations and individuals can help MY HERO provide students with access to the internet and media production tools so that all can share stories of hope and bring new inspiration to this exciting, global online community.




"The MY HERO team continues to deliver a high quality program with commendable outcomes that include not just the development of videos and the skills necessary to produce them and the ever- growing repository of videos and MY HERO stories on the Web, but also the incalculable benefit of the cross-cultural relations built through the exchanges." - Rockman Et Al


The My Hero Project is tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. Donations to this non-profit project are fully tax deductible.



The My Hero Project
1278 Glenneyre, #286
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Phone (949) 376-5964
Fax (949) 376-9540
Email [email protected]