Resources from the MY HERO Media Library - Stories, Art, Films and Lesson Plans

LGBTQ Resources and Champions for Equity and Inclusion - Stories, Art, Films and Lesson Plans


By: Alex Hunt

I Have Four Parents

By: Daniel Roy

 Daniel has four parents: two moms and two dads. They're not divorced and he is not adopted. His dads are gay and his moms are lesbian. The two couples had been friends for many years and then decided to have and co-parent a child. "This video is a magical rendition of the story of my very unique four-parent family. Everything I talk about in the video is true, and these are the answers to the questions I most commonly get asked."

Ellen Degeneres

By: Mieko from San Diego

Alan Turing

By: Keegan Goodwin

Harvey Milk

By: Tammy Chen from San Diego
Harvey Milk was the first openly gay politician and worked to gain equal rights for the LGBT community.

Lisa Donato

By: Wendy Jewell
LISA DONATO is a writer, director, activist whose films, including RECLAIMING PAKISTAN, have won many awards & screened at festivals around the world.

Billie Jean King, Fighting for Feminism

By: Ethan Kuei
Janet Miller
Credit: The Working Group

LGBTQ Heroes

By: Jeanne Meyers
Stories, Art and Films

International Non-Binary People’s Day

By: Abigail Richardson
International Non-Binary People’s Day takes place annually on 14 July each year and celebrates and raises awareness of non-binary people, who do not identify within the traditional gender binary.

LGBTQ History Month Teacher Lesson Plan

By: Laura Nietzer
Multimedia Resources and Lesson Plan for Middle and High School Students Featuring Heroes who have advanced LGBT rights and acceptance - includes discussion guide and learning outcomes.

LGBT+ Pride Month | JUNE

By: MY HERO Staff
For LGBT+ Pride Month we shine a light on LGBT+ heroes who have shaped culture. Historically, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month (LGBT Pride Month) was established to honor the 1969 Stonewall riots in Greenwich Village, NY.

No Name-Calling Week

By: Becky Miller
No Name-Calling Week celebrates kindness and safe schools free of name-calling, bullying and bias.

October Is LGBT History Month

By: MY HERO Staff
Learn about the importance of LGBT History Month with MY HERO's curated multi-media showcase of LGBT activism.

Organizer created on 9/7/2023 7:49:47 PM by Jeanne Meyers

Last edited 9/8/2023 1:42:49 PM by Jeanne Meyers