Featured Media Arts Centres

Meet the educators who work tirelessly to encourage their students to create, document, and explore humanity and our environment

Holly Carter, founder of BYkids, has been a New York Times journalist, the Executive Director of the Global Film Initiative and a Henry Luce Scholar in Korea. She produced PBS’s Media Matters, the award-winning documentary Margaret Sanger, and co-founded the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival. She is also the founder and manager of BYkids is a non-profit organization that puts master American filmmakers with young apprentices from around the world. They mentor the children in creating short documentaries about their lives. BYkids then share the films to help make global issues feel personal, relevant and actionable for millions of students worldwide. 

Holly Carter

By: Wendy Jewell
Holly Carter gives kids and others the tools to tell their stories.

BYkids - Empowering Americans with Knowledge and Giving Children a Voice

By: Abigail Richardson

Media Arts Educator | Holly Carter

Holly Carter is a leader in media arts production with youth around the world

In Progress

In Progress is an organization that works with developing artists of all ages and provides opportunities for artists to develop their skills as digital storytellers and leaders through the use of photography, video, and music. Their purpose is ‘to diversify cultural dialogue and pave the way for new voices in the field of digital art making.’    

Azomali Obisakin's "Racism Must Stop" Wins 2022 Dan Eldon Youth Activist Award

By: Natalia Osuna

In Progress, a Non-Profit Arts' Organization, Wins at 2021 Film Festival

By: Abigail Richardson

 Downtown Community Television Center, New York

DCTVNY Produces Youth Media

By: Abigail Richardson


By: DCTV Youth Media
A documentary from the perspective of a grandchild exploring his grandmother's legacy as an aid worker.

Jeffrey Rudkin and Lora Batchelor Middle School

Jeffrey Rudkin received the 2022 MY HERO Teacher Award at the MY HERO 18th International Film Festival for his work teaching heroism through film-making and his ongoing stellar middle school student submissions to MY HERO Film Festival. Beloved by his students, Mr. Rudkin guides them to create short documentary films about “ordinary people doing heroic things.”

Jeffrey Rudkin Receives 2022 MY HERO Teacher Award

By: Deborah Neff, Staff writer


7th grade Students from Batchelor Middle School
A wonderful media arts educator who inspires his students with a focus on hero based storytelling!

Click on the Organizers Below to Explore films from our Patrons

Films from

By: Abigail Richardson
BYkids is a non-profit organization that puts master American filmmakers with young apprentices from around the world. They mentor the children in creating short documentaries about their lives. These documentaries carry the universal values of courage, perseverance and dignity, and illuminate critical global issues from a perspective rarely represented in mainstream media.

In Progress Films

By: Abigail Richardson
Watch films from In Progress, an organization that works with developing artists of all ages and provides opportunities for artists to develop their skills as digital storytellers and leaders through the use of photography, video, and music.

Lora Batchelor Middle School films

By: Wendy Milette
Under the guidance of Jeffrey Rudkin - the student filmmakers create meaningful hero themed documentary shorts.

Slater Jewell-Kemker

By: Geeta
filmmaker, peacemaker, environmental activist.Slater Jewell-Kemker has grown up with The MY HERO Project, and has created several short films and stories about her heroes. She is now directing a feature film about young people working to protect the environment, An Incovenient Youth.

Cheikh Darou Seck Global Educator

By: Laura Nietzer
MY HERO honors Global Educator Cheikh Darou Seck, a principal from Dakar, Senegal. Since we met at an iEARN conference in Slovakia in 2004, Cheikh and his students have contributed stories, art and films to MY HERO and we are forever grateful to him for his leadership.

BAYCAT Academy

By: Abigail Richardson
BAYCAT academy is a nonprofit social enterprise based in San Francisco that provides education, and creates jobs and access to low-income youth, youth of color, and young women who want to become storytellers and filmmakers.

More Film Festival Partners

Maysles Documentary Center

By: Naomi Gledhill
The Maysles Documentary Center, founded by Albert Maysles, started out as a summer program for young people whose parents had been incarcerated.

BAYCAT Academy

By: Abigail Richardson

Wapikoni Mobile and "The Future Innu" Win Big at MY HERO 18th Annual Film Fest

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

MY HERO International Film Festival Finalists from The STEAM Academy @ La Presa

By: Abigail Richardson

Behind the scenes with filmmaker Will Parrinello among the Cofán

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer
In May 2022, two young indigenous Cofán activists from Ecuador were awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize. Will Parrinello went to Ecuador to film them.

Gabriel Diamond

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer
Gabriel Diamond, filmmaker and his inspiration.

Ryan Coogler

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel
Ryan Coogler is a MY HERO IFF Alumni and director of Black Panther, Creed and Fruitvale Station.

Find out more about our top film festival contributors 


By: Wendy Milette
The MY HERO Film Festival features work from prominent filmmakers and media education partners from across the globe. We appreciate the talent, energy and excellent work from these friends of the MY HERO Film Festival!

About MY HERO International Film Festival

The MY HERO International Film Festival brings together professional and youth filmmakers who honour local and global heroes working for positive change in the world.  Thanks to generous sponsors, prizes are awarded to elementary, middle school, high school, college and professionals in a variety of categories including documentary, narrative, music video, animation, experimental, and more.

To find out more about the Film Festival go to: /Films/festival

Organizer created on 1/8/2023 9:45:26 AM by Abigail Richardson

Last edited 8/21/2024 5:53:25 AM by Abigail Richardson