Sustainable Seafood Month | October

Learn about how to make educated seafood choices for Sustainable Seafood Month with our multimedia showcase. Consume fish that is sustainably managed and responsibly harvested

Credit: mh

Check out the following sustainable seafood guide from the Monterey Bay Aquarium so you can help stop overfishing.

Films about Sustainable Fishing

Seafood Story

Produced by:Wendy Milette
Creatures of the sea voice their pain about overfishing.

Ending Overfishing

Produced by:Produced by: / Directed by: Uli Henrik Streckenbach
Overfishing is a human-made threat to our world's oceans and requires immediate action.

With Change Comes Opportunity

Produced by:Bluebottle Films - James Sherwood, Danielle Ryan
Rob Pennicott was disappointed the day his local fishing spot was turned into a marine park. Today, Rob says his fishing tourism business, Pennicott Wilderness Journeys, is reliant not just on good fisheries management, but on the longevity of marine park areas in Tasmania.

Art about Ocean Protectors


By: Art Miles Mural Painters
Art Miles Mural and MY HERO partner on the HERO MILE

Jacques-Yves Cousteau

By: Tim Shay

From the MY HERO Library

50 Ways to Save the Ocean

By: David Helvarg, Philippe Cousteau (Foreward by)
Synopsis The oceans, and the challeng...

Related Pages

World Oceans Day | June 8

By: Becky Miller
A global day of ocean celebration and collaboration for a better future.

World Water Day | March 22

Access to water is a human right. World Water Day brings our attention to the importance of freshwater and the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

Meet the Cousteaus

Jean-Michel Cousteau

By: Slater
Jean-Michel Cousteau is committed to protecting the ocean for future generations through education and conservation.

Philippe Cousteau

By: Wendy Jewell
Philippe Cousteau continues the work of his father, Jacques Cousteau, through Earth Echo International.

Learn all about our Sylvia Earle Conservation Award

Sylvia Earle Ocean Conservation Award Sizzle

Produced by:Hila Hamidi
One World One Ocean Sponsors the Ocean Conservation Award in the MY HERO International Film Festival with a 500.00 prize!

Sylvia Earle Ocean Conservation Award

By: Abigail Richardson

Sylvia Earle showcase

Learn more about Sylvia Earle, a legendary oceanographer, marine biologist, activist and author.

Sylvia Earle

By: Edward Ortiz
"The key is to see ourselves as a part of the natural systems that support us."

Sylvia Earle, Oceanographer

By: Sofia Garcia

MY HERO Film Festival Ocean Conservation Winners

Voice Above Water

By: Turning Tides Films
Learn about 90 year old, Wayan Nyo from Indonesia, who does his part to clean the ocean and make the world a much better place.

Ocean Hero Spotlight

By: Jessica Vance
Oluwaseyi Moejoh from Nigeria and Heather Brockbank from the Bahamas share their stories of ocean activism.

MABON ‘The 8 year old activist’

Jack Davies
Our world has a serious ocean plastics problem. There are now a higher number of plastics in the ocean than the number of fish.

Rise From the Cape Flats

Shamier Magmoet
Shamier Magmoet overcomes difficulty and learns to educate youth to experience the ocean, becoming advocates and protectors of therof.

Looking After Our Environment: James Price Point

Produced by:Mark Pearce
Mark Jones speaks out against a gas development complex that spells doomsday for some species living around James Price Point.

Ocean Heroes - Short Film Screening

By: Wendy Milette
View the finalist films - 2019 Sylvia Earle Ocean Conservation Award!

Learn about a New Hero Every Day of the Year: Visit the MY HERO Calendar

Share Your Hero Essays, Films and Art through our Create Program

Outstanding essays submitted to MY HERO will be considered for a certificate/t-shirt prize or be featured on the Story Homepage.

Submit your artwork to be entered in the MY HERO art contest or to be exhibited on our Gallery Homepage.

Students can submit their films for free with a waiver to the MY HERO International Film Festival.

External Links

Organizer created on 10/2/2018 7:09:35 PM by Xenia Shin

Last edited 9/16/2023 4:54:07 AM by Abigail Richardson