Media Arts

Overview & Lesson Plans Production Cinematography Working With Images Working With Sound Post Production Exhibition Film Contest Winners

Working with Images

by Wendy Milette



Taking photographs


Follow this link for goo tips about digital still photography to get the best results out of your digital camera: Simple tips for effective photography


Scanning Images

In creating stories about heroes it is common to have a number of photographs to choose from and incorporate into the final media project.

You can scan these images into a computer and then bring them into your video editing program. When scanning here are some basics:

    • Resolution -The better resolution you start with the better it will be.
    • File organization is key. Name files clearly and keep them in a folder named Stills.


Using Downloaded Images from the Internet

HERE ARE SOME LINKS TO FIND COPYRIGHT FREE IMAGES - Do NOT use images that you do not have permission to use.


Using a Computer to Create Images

If you are going to create images in your computer, we suggest that you use Adobe Photoshop, but any imaging software will work.

      • Resize images to the aspect ratio you choose for your video:
        Most current video footage is 16x9, so keep that in mind when preparing your images.
      • JPEG files are standard, but TARGA are slightly better resolution.


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