November 24, 2021
Film Festival Awards CeremonyMY HERO Project
MY HERO would like to invite you to take part in the 17th Annual MY HERO International Film Festival. This family-friendly event will be held virtually on December 4, 2021. There is no fee to attend, but reservation donations are gratefully accepted. Reservations are required--after you register you will receive the link(s) to attend the virtual festival via ZOOM. (Register here)
There will be a morning program at 10 AM PST that will include clips from select First Place films. The special awards will be presented at 2 PM. Both programs will feature filmmakers and heroes from around the world.
All winning short films will be available for viewing on the MY HERO Project website for you and your family to enjoy this holiday season. On and after December 4th, the winners page will feature 56 winning films and honorees from 16 different countries, including the special prizes.
In the meantime, the MY HERO team wishes you a happy, healthy Thanksgiving!
MY HERO is proud to announce the winners for the following three juried Film Festival awards:
Chibeze Ezekiel, 2020 Goldman Prize WinnerGoldman Environmental Prize, with permission
The Goldman Environmental Prize is being recognized by MY HERO as the 2021 MY HERO Media Award for their work supporting environmental activists working to save our environment from destruction.
Frances Moore Lappé and her daughter Anna Blythe Lappé Small Planet Institute
Frances Moore Lappé and her daughter Anna Blythe Lappé are being awarded the 2021 MY HERO Global Educator Award for their book, "Diet for a Small Planet" and their work with, changing millions of lives around the world.
Holly CarterHolly Carter, with permission
Holly Carter, founder of BYkids, will receive MY HERO's 2021 Global Educator Award for her work pairing master filmmakers with youth from around the world to create short documentaries about globally relevant issues.
TUNE IN on December 4th to meet all the winners!
Virtual Awards PresentersMY HERO Project
Eva Haller, philanthropist and mentor to generations of women, will present the Women Transforming Media Award. The award offers $2500 in prizes for to be shared among emerging student and professional filmmakers
Kathy Eldon, of Creative Visions Foundation, will present the Dan Eldon Activist Award, which is awarded each year to a filmmaker who best uses media to bring about positive change. The award comes with $1500 in cash prizes to be shared among the winners this year.
Ron Kovic, renowned author, painter and activist, will present the annual Ron Kovic Peace Prize, which awards $1000 to the filmmaker who most effectively addresses the issue of peace.
Esther Wojcicki, esteemed media arts educator, author and co-founder of Tract, will present the WOJ Youth Reporter Award. This year, the award offers $1050 in prizes to be shared by the winning filmmakers.
Judith Anderson, founder of The Foundation for the Contemporary Family, will present the Relationships First Award, with $1500 of cash prizes to be shared among the winning short films that depict the power and importance of contemporary family relationships.
For more details, please visit
Click here to REGISTER to attend this special event
Page created on 11/24/2021 5:16:27 PM
Last edited 12/13/2023 8:10:55 PM