Global Educator Award Winner


Produced by: by Jeanne Meyers & Wendy Milette | Documentary | 2016 | USA | 9:00



Esther Wojcicki, recipient of the 2016 Global Educator Award, shares her vision for a Moonshot Movement in Education.

I changed the pedagogy of education giving kids control of their learning.” - Esther Wojcicki

Esther Wojcicki is a pioneer in education who has spent 30 years building an outstanding high school journalism program at Palo Alto High School. Her book, “Moonshots in Education: Blended Learning in the Classroom,” provides an important platform for a global education movement devoted to radically improving teaching and learning around the world.
Engagement is a worthy goal in any educational institution. Esther Wojcicki, Journalism Teacher and founder of the Media Arts Program, believes that students deserve to be in charge of their own learning.
“If you believe in them, they believe in themselves. Basically what I do in class is to apply TRICK, which stands for: Trust, Respect, Independence, Collaboration & Kindness, which is what I think belongs in every class.  You can’t do anything without trust.”
~ Esther Wojcicki -2016


For More Information

Moonshots Website
Story about Esther on MY HERO