20242023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018201720162015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005
2006 WINNERS!!
Winners - Professional Category

The Art of Life: Dan Eldon in Africa                                                                                                                                                                  Directed by Charles Tsa
Best of Festival
Large (37 MB) - 5 Minutes

2nd Place
From Beirut... To Those Who Love Us
Special Hero Award: Studio of Beirut DC
Produced by Studio of Beirut DC

A message about peace from the Middle East.

Large (22.5 MB) - 4.49 Minutes

2nd Place
Special Hero Award: Liz Murray
Produced by Anson Schloat and John G. Young

Liz Murray overcomes her difficult childhood to win a scholarship to go to college.

Large (24.6 MB) - 4.20 Minutes

3rd Place
Jesus... A Soldier Without a Country
Special Hero Award: Fernando Suarez
Produced by Sally Marr & Peter Dudar

A piece about the war in Iraq and the soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for it.

Large (26.7 MB) - 5.21 Minutes

Honorable Mention
Dr. Willie
Special Hero Award: Dr. Willie
Produced by Linda McLean & Debra Roberts of Little Pearls

Willie was just an ordinary dog, but now, he is a certified pet therapist!

Large (5 MB) - 30 seconds
Winners - Community Category

1st Place
Healing Waters (Jeff and Wendy
Dean's Guatemalan Adventure)

Special Hero Award: Healing Waters
Produced by Bryce Boyer, Jeremy Phillips & Tom Larson

Jeff and Wendy Dean travel to Guatemala to research the issue of clean water.

Large (14.1 MB) - 7.56 Minutes

2nd Place
Why Violence
Special Hero Award: BAYCAT Students
Produced by Will Hammond & Ariel Dovas Instructors

Students in Will Hammond's MYTV class at BAYCAT express their ideas about Violence.

Large (22.5 MB) - 5 Minutes

Painting Peace

Slater Jewell-Kemker

A group of homeschoolers and the children of Canadian Peacekeeping Forces painted a PEACE MURAL 

3rd Place
Large (13MB) - 4 Minutes

 Peer Pressure

by Will Hammond

 This was a collaborative effort from the students from Bay Cat

3rd Place
Large (34 MB) - 5 Minutes

Winners - Student / Teacher Category

1st Place
Mother Mary
Special Hero Award: Mother Mary
Produced by Cheikh Darou Seck from Senegal, AFRICA

Mother Mary works to help children affected by AIDS in Senegal.

Large (29.8 MB) - 6.29 Minutes

2nd Place
Our Hero Vladimir
Special Hero Award: Vladimir Kalinin
Produced by Elena, Xenia and Andrey from Belarus

Elena and Xenia interview their hero, Vladimir Kalinin.

Large (35.4 MB) - 7.37 Minutes
Winners - College Student Category

Being Big Uncle

by Olubusola Ajayi 

1st Place
Large (24 MB) - 6 Minutes

 Stan Ostern

by Charles McMahon, David Maekawa & Clayton Sakoda


2nd Place
Large (35 MB) - 9 Minutes

Winners - Student Category

1st Place
Wangari Maathai
Special Hero Award: Wangari maathai
Produced by Will Levitt

Wangari Maathai is the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize, and also the first environmentalist to win. This film is in two parts.

Large (24 MB) - 5.13 Minutes

Chicky's Organic garden

by John & Mark Cavanagh & Zachary Bain

2nd Place
Large (28 MB) - 5 Minutes

2nd Place
Express Your Emotions
Produced by Christian Rosales, Sean Hoffman & Andrea at Taft High School

A young man finds a way to express himself through dance.

Large (22.7 MB) - 3 Minutes

2nd Place
Friendship and the Hero Within
Produced by Alyssa Karalnick & Cindy Mendo at Taft High School

Alyssa and Cindy celebrate their friendships.

Large (25.5 MB) - 5 Minutes

3rd Place
Breaking the Chain
Produced by Vinnie Pergola at Taft High School

A young man re-discovers his identity out of a troubled past.

Large (27 MB) - 3 Minutes


 Slater Jewell-Kemker

3rd Place
Large (19 MB) - 7 Minutes

Winners - Animation Category


 Harmony: The Quest for Companionship

1st Place
Large (22 MB) - 2 Minutes

Winners - Experimental Category

1st Place
Nam June Paik: #1 Video Artist
Special Hero Award: Nam June Paik
Produced by Skip Blumberg

This piece is a tribute for video artist Nam June Paik by his friend and fellow video artist Skip Blumberg.

Large (34.9 MB) - 8:39 Minutes
Special Hero Awards

Special Hero Award: Nathaniel Dunigan
Kay Lord and her Hero Nathaniel Dunigan
Produced by Skip Blumberg

A report about Second Class Coast Guard Academy Cadet Kay Lord and her hero, Nathaniel Dunigan, founder of Aidchild in Uganda. Thanks to Making History Productions for additional footage from Uganda and Chad Stevens for providing additional photography of Aidchild in Uganda. Special thanks to the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation for their support of this short film.

Large (25.9 MB) - 6:45 Minutes

Special Hero Award: Rowena Gerber
Rowena Gerber and the Solar Oven Project
Produced by Skip Blumberg

My Hero student reporter Andy visits the YouthCan Conference in New York City with his hero Rowena Gerber to present Paul Munsen's Solar Oven Project. Thanks to the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation for their support of this short film.

Large (29.2 MB) - 7:21 Minutes



Special Hero Award: Eppie Duran
Large (17 MB) - 3.30 Minutes

Special Hero Award: Laughing Yoga
I (luv) Laughing Yoga
Produced by Wendy Milette & Jeanne Meyers

Dorothy finds healing and joy with the Laguna Laughter Yoga club!

Large (30 MB) - 5.00 Minutes

Special Hero Award: John Lewis
Produced by Anson Schloat and John G. Young

John Lewis, U.S. Congressman, speaks about the importance of being a good citizen.

Large (32.9 MB) - 5.45 Minutes

Special Hero Award: Iqbal
Produced by Anson Schloat and John G. Young

A 12-year-old fought for his rights and the rights of his fellow child workers.

Large (30.1 MB) - 5.29 Minutes